posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Actually, I have been here for awhile but kept not quite making an account. I finally did because I spend so much time reading and sometimes I find
myself waiting, hoping, for someone to post a particular reply (like so many of the earthquakes fall within a 10 degree range of latitude...)and it
takes forever and then when it finally pops up it gets lost in the shuffle and I don't have an account so I can't even cheer that person on for
finally saying it.
You should probably know, my husband thinks he hates you! But, he doesn't. Not really. He hates the amount of time I spend on here, which given the
fact that I am already crazy busy (who isn't these days) cuts into his attention time and he resents it.
He tolerates the fact that I have taken to storing water. He thinks it is weird, but he tolerates it. He agreed to enlarge the garden. He loves
that I have been quietly buying silver. I can't believe that he isn't on here since he is more of a science geek than I am and could easily
understand the posts that I can't quite get my head around. I will keep quietly working on him. >
My basic interests on this board revolve around the fact that I do believe that *something* isn't quite right these days. I don't know if it is 2012
(creativeX2 = 4027minus3 for the bot if you missed THAT thread you think I am a freak, but I am okay with that!) is the real deal or
not. I am a person of faith and feel like it shouldn't matter, but I also feel the need to prepare for something. I can't quite finger it.
Politically, my new party is DISAPPOINTED. And that general sense of malaise is a part of what brings me here. Perhaps I just can't believe that the
world is so inept. The only viable alternative then is "evil genius" out to get us. I hope 2012 is no big deal. I hope the world keeps on turning.
I hope people learn to get along. I hope everyone gets decent health care, enough to eat, and a nice little place to call their own. I would like
adults of all kinds to be allowed to make their own decisions about their lives and how to live them. I had parents thank you very much and I think
they did a very nice job. I don't need a governmental agency to step on the toes of their long fulfilled roles.
I would like that for the whole world but don't think there is anything wrong with a "my country first" attitude. Globalism is starting to get on my
nerves as is political correctness.
I am open to and intrigued by a very wide range of topics. I have friends who span the political and social spectrum. Their differences enrich me
and their varied views challenge me to dig deeply into my own. I get a fair amount of that here which is why I finally joined. Well, that and, my
compass DID face east!
edit on 20-3-2011 by watcher3339 because: issues with my t key