posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 10:17 PM
df1, I agree with your post. A corporation is a legal fiction created by government. You allude to, but do not directly point out, that the creation
of a corporation grants the owners immunity from criminal and financial liability for actions of the corporation.
This is actually a good thing. It makes possible the amalgamation of the large sums of capital necessary to achieve the economies of scale of modern
industrial production. But no, corporations should not have the legal rights and status of a person.
The biggest problem with corporations is that they have totally taken over the political process. One party, the Republican Party, is totally
controlled and financed by large corporations. The Democratic Party is also somewhat controlled by corporations, but the control is far from
This increasing control of government by corporations amounts to fascism. After all, Mussolini, who knew a little about the subject, defined fascism
as the merging of corporate and state interests. That is exactly what happened in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. That is exactly where we are
headed with the government under control of corporate whores like Bush and Cheney.
I am a left-wing, liberal Democrat, but I believe that corporations are a net benefit to society, when properly taxed and regulated. Although
Republican propagandists will claim that people like me are socialists, that is definitely not the case. I believe that a market-driven capitalist
economy, under proper government regulation, is the best economic solution for a liberal (in the best sense of the word) democracy.
The key is regulation. Corporations have to be regulated to keep them out of the political process. They have to be regulated to prevent disasters
like the savings and loan debacle, the rape of California energy consumers by Enron, and the wholesale destruction of the environment which occurs
when corporations are allowed to exploit natural resources without restraint.
Government has every right to tax corporations, since they are a creature of government. Government provides courts to adjudicate contracts, and
police forces to maintain a sufficient degree of order for markets to function and corporations to do business.
Since the Constitution specifies that the government is to provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare, it is perfectly appropriate
for the government to tax corporations to provide funds for other government functions than those the corporations need in order to make money.
Without the government, the corporations would not exist and would make no money.
It is not socialism for the government to tax corporations and use those funds to pay for such liberal social programs as universal health care and