posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by stumason
You keep on referring to me as naive. I would suggest no more naive than you being sucked in by the mainstream media, warbling about TPTB Bull#. For
example:Notice how when mainstream 'journalists' report what Colonel Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein say/said they add 'but this cannot be independently
verified', but when they report what Western governments say they repeat it as undisputed fact.
I asked when was the last time Iran invaded anyone? You replied how naive of me to think this way. Well I am afraid how naive of you to believe that
Iran are going to strike out at any nation. This won't happen unless provoked. Think about it, this will give justification for the U.S to wipe it
off the face of the earth. If you can advise me of the last time Iran, under this regime, invaded any other state then maybe I would need to re-think
my whole beliefs on this one.
Okay, Ahmadinejad doesn't always make sense, but to be fair I admire him for standing up to the bully western boys and girls. They are a threat to
the U.S in Afghanistan because they want to build their own pipe through Afghaistan, but this is direct competiotion to the U.S plans. That's the
real reason for the rhetoric against Iran.