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Government experiments on soldiers

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posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by mpeake
Well, I guess you learn something new every day huh? Very interesting medical info there Hitlers Revenge!

haha what bs.. .Why don't you ask the genius if black mold is a farce as well...

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by GnomeLord
i heard that in the 60's or 70's the military released a vial full of smallpox in a subway station in new york or somewhere just to see how many people would be infected- it turned out to be in the thousands

also, Skadi_the_Evil_Elf, asbestos is one of the best insulators there is- it is still the only material that works for certain applications, like welding next to something flammable, like a 2x4. that might explain why is was present in some of your equipment

All these things you people are talking about are coming from testing labs in the DOD...
They obviously can lie to the public and expose these things to us no problem. Thank the sell out scientists and directors for endangering our lives, if anybody should be exposed to that kind of evil, it sure as hell should be them. Evil bastards. I bet they all sit around a table after their work is done and laugh about it... We got alot of psychotic people with personality disorders working in high paying jobs for the dod.

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Here in the UK, the Wiltshire Police have spent the last few years gathering evidence of UK soldiers being experimented on at the Porton Down Chemical and Biological centre. The soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons such as Sarin and mustard and '___'.

At the moment the Wiltshire coroner is hearing evidence in the reopened inquest of a RAF serviceman, Ronald Maddison, who died in May 1953 after CDEE Porton Down scientists dripped Sarin nerve-gas onto his arm.
Follow the inquest here.

zero lift

ps Smallpox wasn't released into the New York subways in the 60s or 70s; the released bacteria was Bacillus subtilis. This bacteria is recognised by the UK Health Protection Agency as a cause of food poisoning. A smallpox release would have caused thousands of deaths.

[edit on 26-7-2004 by zero lift]

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 05:56 PM
They have been doing this for quite some time, it was supposed to have stopped in 1975 where they were shooting up the enlisted in boot camp with all kinds of experimental stuff, hubby was in during the time they did it. There were senate hearing on it at one time. I seriously doubt they stopped it, I figure they got caught had hearings and continued right on. The military is perfect for doing this to, they go to gov. military hospitals all their medical records are right there. So if who ever is over the experimetn ans has clearance can look at them anytime and note side effects, deaths, long term side effects.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by E_T
About asbesto

And there's substitute for DU(/U238), tungsten.
It's already used in LOSAT anti-tank missile's KE warhead.

that first link says it causes cancer.... once again it is described as a fiber but it doesn't directly cause cancer it's just meerly a precursor to cancer not the actual cause

saying it causes cancer is like saying the flu gave me the common cold.... you don't get the common cold form the flu. you get the common cold after the flu has weakened your immune system and your body can't fight it off before it has a chance to multiply in your body

as for using asbestos in your equipment (was stated by someone before) what equipment was it in? i know in the old m1's asbestos was using in the gunbarrel metal to help it resist heat from constant fire. if it was in electrical systems its probably to keep the wires from melting through and causing the system to short circuit and become useless

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Originally posted by mpeake
Well, I guess you learn something new every day huh? Very interesting medical info there Hitlers Revenge!

haha what bs.. .Why don't you ask the genius if black mold is a farce as well...

look in your bathroom plenty of mold to go around
and black mold is just like all other molds, jsut competing to live in this world just as much you and I are. if u have a black mold problem i would suggest incasing your house and sucking all of teh oxygen out because mold needs oxygen to survive and with no oxygen it dies (some bacteria have been know to encase themselves in a (protective suit) as some would call it until conditions are favorable for it to grow again

blackmold is an actual bacteria that can actually make u sick that depends on your body type and how effective your immune system is. i know alot of people who are allergic to poison ivy, I thankfully am not its all about how your body reacts to a foreign invader


cancer is cause by an excess of things

if u drank 20 gallons of milk a day for 20 years you would get cancer form it

if u ate some 40 Lbs of spinach a day you would get cancer in a mere 2 years from it

i know what i jsut said kinda contradicts itself about the asbestos but asbestos isn't used by your body it never enters your body unless digested or injected when inhaled it jsut punctures lung cells never enteres the blood stream

so therefore you can call it bs yourself but i could stick u in a room and pump asbestos in until it was about 10% asbestos and 90% oxygen then if i were to isolate you and pump pure O2 in an air tight room in lock down for 10-20-30 years you would not (lemmi say it again) WOULD NOT get cancer because asbestos doesn't cause cancer it just lets other factors cause cancer easier by weakening your cells own defense (the cell wall)

if you think its bs go ahead your entitled to your opinion but my latin teacher used to work for a insulating company where he installed where asbestos he doesn't have lung cancer cancer

asbestos is perfectly safe until you go ripping it down off of the celings and ripping the floor tiles out of the ground because then u disturb it and make it airborn.... even then its still safe to some extent

[edit on 27-7-2004 by Hitlers Revenge]

[edit on 27-7-2004 by Hitlers Revenge]

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