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The Fukushima 50: This is humanity

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:04 AM
As I read through the news and see reports of what is happening in Fukushima as I type this. Men who have volunteered knowing they could very well die are working in shifts of 50 around the clock in an impossible effort to save their families, their country, and for their honor. The word hero is being bantered about and it made me think...

I don't have a lot to say on this but I felt I should share what I do have to say. They may be heroes but I prefer to think of them as humans representing the very meaning of the word humanity.

This isn't about them this is about what they represent. The most recent reminder of what it is that makes me proud to be a member of our species, the reason all the people that say humanity is corrupt and will end are wrong. If we look through history we can see many examples in fiction and in reality. Chernobyl and 9/11 are the first two that spring to mind but it doesn't take much searching to find countless examples of people who willingly risk it all to save family, friends, and ideas they love.

All too often we focus on the corruption, the evil, the hopelessness, and all the reasons humans are doomed. I will tell you not only are we not doomed but there is nothing we will not do to save our species and because of this there is no calamity we will not survive. Granted there are many who would run, there are many that would hide, and there even some who would attempt to destroy. But know that among us those who symbolize our humanity do now and always will exist. It is these people the rest of us rely upon to bring us through. These are the people who make us step back gasp slightly, tear up a little, and make us proud to be humans.

Knowing when the time comes they will always be there is why I have faith in humanity.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:32 AM
be careful. this is not japan, i assure you. the same thing in the united states would not be a safe thing. there are all the movies, all the preconceptions, the lack of law, its not going to be that orderly, its a sad coincidence, but there are few who will keep their wits about them, at least in the beginning

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by GenerationXisMarching

Those who I speak of are in the United States too. If we had a plant go it would be staffed until the end. I guarantee. Don't judge America on Katrina's looting and what happens in the uneducated impoverished areas during disaster. A lot of that is Media hype anyway.

Look at 9/11. Was there looting? Did many people die knowing full well they could die but went to save more people anyway? Yes.

You're right though it will not as calm and orderly, but thats not how Americans get things done anyway. It will have the same result because the selfless "hero" element exists here too.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Jinglelord

no, i totally agree, the intelligent ones will be the ones realizing the value of human life and the scope of the disaster, but the culture of self centered arrogant idiots that can get anything they want with lies is a very scary thing. even idiots can make a damn good plan on occasion.

the actual scientists have the means to save millions of people, they may have saved close to that in the long run, they should be immortalized

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:53 AM
If the same thing happened in the UK, I am not convinced there would be a Fukushima 50. I do know there would be massive civil unrest and we would not cope half as well.
We should be learning lessons from the amazing Japanese people but I am not holding my breath.
Ironically this has happened to the one nation that didn't need to learn. Others won't learn a jot from this, not until it happens to THEM.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:04 AM
Schucks, I thought the names of these individuals was posted. My bad.

If I still have my life because of these individuals, let me honor their names. I want to smile upon there photographs.

Do not let them die without a name, without a face. Let us honor them as they live...

I am one who is grateful.

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:11 AM
By no stretch of the imagination am I a Bible thumper but, it does on occasion make some very strong points.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Dead yet or living for 100 more years these men are Heroes.
Just like the Firefighters who ran into a crashing tower.
They were looking to save humans.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by g146541

And that is exactly what I'm trying to say.

People do that! It is part of who we are as a species, it is the good part of us, the part of us that ensures we get to thrive as a species.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by Jinglelord

True, during 9/11 we saw many brave men among the fire service and Police but most of them were unclear what was to become of the WTC by falling on top of them. None of us saw that coming and was'nt meant to happen. They took a gamble to get as many people out they could and we are all very proud of them; nothing will ever change that.

The Japanese 50 went in knowing full well their fate in advance and that makes them quite extraordinary people.

Hurricane Katrina was a complete disaster not just the cyclone but the actions of so many but most of all what took place in the emergency shelters was quite appauling and disgraceful. I will always hold the US Govt mainly responsible for allowing that to happen when it could had been avoided for the most part.

The Japanese people truely are inspiring and we have much to learn from these people. No doubt about it, the 50 are Heroes.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM

I prefer to think of them as humans representing the very meaning of the word humanity.
I prefer to think of them as the few men who have the balls to really face the consequences of what we clearly set ourselves up for. Someone has to step up and do the hard work when a problem like this happens, a problem we have been well warned of. Humans caused this problem, and now we are trying to fix it, there is no heroism involved.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by WhizPhiz

there is no heroism involved.

I disagree.
There are folks in Japan trying to flee the country, there are folks in the US scurrying to but iodine or whatever they can get their hands on to save their precious lives.
Then you have the men who intentionally run into danger to hopefully save their families, land, Etc.
You may not see that as heroic but i sure do.
Even if all the reactors went critical in Japan it would most likely not affect me here in the states but, i do appreciate the 50.
They have something that most men do not.
They are willing to throw their bodies on the gears of the machine to stop it.
That is heroic.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:06 AM
The word 'hero' is used far too much these days. We use it when someone does something exceptional in sports for example.

This is one of those rare occasions when the word is entirely appropriate.

Thanks to the selfless courage and sacrifice of these heroes many lives may be saved.

Every single one of us owes them a debt that can never be repaid.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:32 AM
I dont know how people here can believe that this 50 "heros" are really what they ""are""(were)
if all this it's true...this 50 nippons are just 50 more victims
I dont know if people commenting on this topic have an idea about Japan Governement's history.
About Japan's history as country.
DO you think that Kamikazes can be Heros??

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by ArZak

they were to the japanese people, yes. these people are heroes because they decided not to abandon ship and let everyone else fend for themselves, they are saying goodbye to their families before wading through radiation to try to save millions of people. you must not have a hero category in your life, or nobody would qualify in that case.

wait, you probably see justin bieber as a hero

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by GenerationXisMarching

no comment about justin bieber....(who that??)
whatever I can not say that this 50 nippons are word ... Martyrs

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:22 PM
for the gain of some others who will hide from the light of responsibility forever if they can...
and they will even waste more good life if not stopped.
what a waste....what a sad sad waste.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by ArZak

This is what the good humans do which is heroic and is a better part of humanity:

Each of these men have become experts in and dedicated to that nuclear plant. They previously accepted the responsibility of keeping the plant safe and functional. When the chips were down they accepted their responsibilities knowing full well what they were getting into. In world chalk full of people who will shirk their responsibilities as soon as their lives become endangered these men did not.

I am saying this is not rare among humanity. Maybe they aren't heroes in the true sense of the word, maybe they are just men with the courage to face the responsibility they accepted. Either way they are not victims, and they are representative of my species and it is good.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by ArZak

too bad the ones prophiting from nuclear energy wouldn't be martyrs about it then, is that better? thats a hero to me, nobody else would step in. hell, the higher ups were arguing about leaving on friday just leaving everything to melt. someone decided to be a hero, or a martyr, whatever. you wouldnt choose to be a martyr if you had the chance, thats ok, someone will just have to step in and be a hero.
edit on 19-3-2011 by GenerationXisMarching because: (no reason given)

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