posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 03:04 AM
As I read through the news and see reports of what is happening in Fukushima as I type this. Men who have volunteered knowing they could very well die
are working in shifts of 50 around the clock in an impossible effort to save their families, their country, and for their honor. The word hero is
being bantered about and it made me think...
I don't have a lot to say on this but I felt I should share what I do have to say. They may be heroes but I prefer to think of them as humans
representing the very meaning of the word humanity.
This isn't about them this is about what they represent. The most recent reminder of what it is that makes me proud to be a member of our species,
the reason all the people that say humanity is corrupt and will end are wrong. If we look through history we can see many examples in fiction and in
reality. Chernobyl and 9/11 are the first two that spring to mind but it doesn't take much searching to find countless examples of people who
willingly risk it all to save family, friends, and ideas they love.
All too often we focus on the corruption, the evil, the hopelessness, and all the reasons humans are doomed. I will tell you not only are we not
doomed but there is nothing we will not do to save our species and because of this there is no calamity we will not survive. Granted there are many
who would run, there are many that would hide, and there even some who would attempt to destroy. But know that among us those who symbolize our
humanity do now and always will exist. It is these people the rest of us rely upon to bring us through. These are the people who make us step back
gasp slightly, tear up a little, and make us proud to be humans.
Knowing when the time comes they will always be there is why I have faith in humanity.