posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Originally posted by theghosthunter
reply to post by SMR
I just wanted to give some advice that's all, I'm really frightened, I don't know what to do.
Ok first off calm down, remember the great rule: Don't Panic.
Now, if there was some super-deadly cloud of killer ionizing radiation heading for the West Coast of the USA, we would know about it in the media, and
I assure you we'd tell you about it. Also you'd be hearing a holy ton of more chatter about it here on ATS, and everywhere else too. Hawai'i and
Alaska are between Japan and you along the trade winds, if nobody is falling over dead there from acute radiation poisoning right now, odds are you
won't either.
Chernobyl released a whole lot more nasty stuff than the plant in Japan has thus far, and the damage was localized to the area and nearby countries.
The Continental US has about 4,000-6,000 miles between them and Japan, that's about twice to three times the distance between NYC and LA.
You'll be ok.