posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:33 AM
Headlines from NHK
- Tokyo Fire Dept. sends units to Fukushima plant
- Fire trucks wait for cooling down operation
- Radiation levels slightly lower at
- More than 5,600 people confirmed dead
- Over 280,000 taking refuge at 2,200 shelters
- Obama reiterates US support for Japan
- French
firm sends protective gear to Fukushima
- S.Korea,China to accommodate Japan with oil
- G7 nations agree on coordinated intervention
Headlines from WSJ
- Japan Response to Crisis Breeds Mistrust
- Critics Pressure Japan on Hazard Data
- U.S. Nuclear Industry Questions 50-Mile Radius
- IMF:
Japan Hasn't Asked for Assistance
- Japan's Crisis Brakes Global Deal Making
- Japan Utility Struggles to Maintain Power Levels
- For Japan, A Long,
Painful Reckoning
- Analysis: A Hunger for Information
- U.S., Japan Split on Evacuation Zone
- Radiation Spurs Fears Around Japanese Food
Not all the headlines, just enough to make a point.
Edit: The point if it isn't obvious from the title and headlines, is that Japan is heavily downplaying the seriousness of the events. Compare to
headlines one of the more cautious news outlets, the WSJ, these headlines are much more to the point and don't pull punches.
edit on 18-3-2011 by dbriefed because: (no reason given)