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Shepard Smith on Fox News seems to be the only one with a clue...

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Just watched Shepard Smith on Fox News -- and here, the least likely source of truth -- he seemed to actually be aware of the gravity of the situation, and realized the Japanese power company is lying, and that this is documented. He said US officials said this "pool" of spent material is wide open, broken down and completely empty in, I believe it was, reactor 4. This reactor was "offline" before the quake and doesn't have a containment vessel, or at least the nuclear fuel wasn't in it!

The helicopters are a last-ditch effort. Some of them seemed to miss the target.

Now I thought the "core" and "containment vessels" were intact? If that's the case, how the hell would dropping water from 100ft above effect them -- unless they were aren't broken apart and exposed?


Even Smith seemed frustrated at the fact that there is NO RELIABLE INFORMATION!!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
I feel your frustration.
Japan, their government at least, is going to downplay this tragedy only because of the fiscal rammifications that may occur.
Hindsight is going to be the only "truth".

If I were a betting man, I'd say that our radiation monitors will suffer a "failure" within the next 48 hours. Thus protecting a trade partner to whom we owe money to.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by CUBD1

In Australia we heard word that the population in Japan yesterday was moved 60km outside the area of the reactors.....that said it all in a nut shell.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:18 AM
SHHHH....don''t tell mom i broke the lamp

(mom found out when she got home)

they are playing kiddie games with the environment and our lives and it's b.s.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Kind of reminds me of the disease scare and evacuation from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by CUBD1

You don't know how much it has hurt me to have to turn to Fox for better coverage than CNN. But from what I've gathered from his news-making dissent from time to time, Shep is one of the few at that network with a spine, a brain and an unmuzzled mouth to match. He does pretty good work.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Really? Fox is where you had to go? I've been watching CNN for an hour or so and they have spoken several times about how #3 and #4 have to be open to the air if pouring water on is going to help. They have also been talking about how the US gov has set a perimeter of 80km vs the 20km set by Japan. I have flipped through other channels as well and they all seem to be saying the same thing....

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Unfortunately the rest of the world may never really know what's going on until the worst happens. What a horrible tragedy just to get to the truth.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Excellent topic...

Unfortunately for your curiosity, the true answer OP for your questions is actually rather simple and non problematic in that the US Military, NASA, JPL, and I suspect, SETI are all very much aware of the problems.

In that surveillance is the number one product still made in america, and given that all spy agencies of this country have look see capability from virtually any angle, above, beside, outside-in, etc...the truthful answers are that not a one of these agencies will own up to the fact that the situation in Japan is overwhelming and virtually a total disaster for that country from which there will be NO recovery in our lifetime.

If any one of these agencies in the know, and Obama is also in the know and he is gracefully guiding our country for the benefit of the common man and not the corporations, were to disclose their specific knowledge-that being Japan as we know it does no longer exist as the damage is a total catastrophy such that the world has not yet seen-they would reveal their hand in spy expertise and crowd control mechanisms...and that is something they can not risk.

The truth is for all the world to know, bit by bit that the Japan nuclear situation is complete total destruction of that once great country-great that is since WW II, and nothing but evil under their prior emperor hirohito and all those folks back in the 1920z before the end of the great war.

Japan is will take a few weeks to a month or two but there is total meltdown there, off limits to all life for the northern half of the money to rebuild, too many quakes and threats from nature...DONE.

Sorry to all those well intentioned citizens of that once great country, for a time it looked like you had it going on but now...sadly, your corporations managed to outwit the population, slavishly at that, and now there will be nothing left...except your rulers and leaders who miserably failed at telling the world the truth about the meltdown.

my blessings all to all...did not mean or intend to offend anyone here or anyone reading my words.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by 00nunya00

He was the same during the Gulf Crisis. He just seems to have some real emotional empathy for what is happening and real shock as to the sluggish, insulting government b.s. response.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 02:33 AM
TO bad they didnt make any of those neat Robots into worker robots. Seems with some Remote robotics you could secure this thing in days not weeks.

We have the inteligence and know how we are just to stupid to use what we know for our own good before something like this happens.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by CUBD1

S & F. The only time I try to watch Fox is when Shepard Smith is on. He's got a spine, a big mouth, and even bigger heart.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:08 AM
It wasn't until a couple years ago that the US Public was told a nuclear tipped missile caught fire and burned up in it's silo in New Jersey. the 60's.

Nobody was evacuated. Nobody was told. Just a few years ago under Bush a news story came out saying the Federal Government won't tell the public if radiation levels are too high in your area. Can't have you stop shopping and hurt the economy.

Japan didn't sign up for the ""Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage"".....which limits countries liability for nuclear accidents...they hence can be taken to the cleaners for liability if fallout is recorded on US soil.

Get your REAR to a west coast might be entitled to money from Japan soon.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Pervius because: wordin'

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Pervius
It wasn't until a couple years ago that the US Public was told a nuclear tipped missile caught fire and burned up in it's silo in New Jersey. the 60's.

Nobody was evacuated. Nobody was told. Just a few years ago under Bush a news story came out saying the Federal Government won't tell the public if radiation levels are too high in your area. Can't have you stop shopping and hurt the economy.

Japan didn't sign up for the ""Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage"".....which limits countries liability for nuclear accidents...they hence can be taken to the cleaners for liability if fallout is recorded on US soil.

Get your REAR to a west coast might be entitled to money from Japan soon.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Pervius because: wordin'

Well, in that case, I'm ON MY WAY then!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:34 AM
He may be the only one that has a clue but I have not been able to even see his face without thinking of his J Lo blooper.
Yep, he is good.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:36 AM
You really havent been paying attention these last few days have you? Number 4 reactor was off line and ALL its fuel rods were in the pool OUTSIDE the actual containment. Normally not a problem as they produce about 5% energy (heat) and a touch more radiation than when they are actually in the reactor. You simply put them under 30 ft of water and keep the water flushing to keep them cool.

Now what else are the fuel pools used for? Well every 18 months or so the reactor is refuelled and the spent rods are stored in the pools until they are no longer massively radioactive (usually 10-20 years)

So as these reactors have been running for 20 years+ the pools in 3 and 4 contain all the fuel used in those reactors for the last 20 years.

They were designed to prevent criticality if the water was gone (as water helps slow the nuclear reaction) however you will hear alot about how the pools have been 're-configured' to hold more fuel rods and no conclusive answer to whether boron sheets were inserted to prevent criticality.

So if they dry out there is a good chance the zirconium will react with air/steam to produce explosive or fire making hydrogen/oxygen once they heat up. After that if there is enough fissile material in a tight enough space then a full nuclear reaction could restart.

This why they are so worried about number 3. If the fuel pool empties and catches fire or starts to react then it may further damage the containment for the actual reactor. A reactor which by all accounts has fuel rods already exposed to air (inside the containment) due to lack of water and the voids filled with radioactive steam.

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