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Man Gets Parking Fine Ticket while paying for his Parking Ticket

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Its situations like this that makes me reach for my baseball bat , if he doesnt pay up in 7 days the fine will go from £75 to £100 , i guess thats about $150 ,just because he took 30 seconds in getting his ticket from the machine.
LINK TO ARTICLE from one of Yahoo,s pages.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by 10987654321

Apparently, he didn't learn from the first one.....

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:31 AM
A similar thing happened to me a few years ago. Many of the car parks in the town centre where I live had all been free, but were then rapidly made pay-and -display without any real notice. Apparently it was in the local paper, which we never have delivered!
Anyhoos... I parked, saw the signs and realised I did not have any change. So, I dashed across the road to a newsagent, bought something I didn't need just to get the change, then stopped at the pay meter to buy a ticket. When I got back to the car with my ticket I had already been ticketed by the parking Nazis!
Time on the penalty ticket that was issued was 2 minutes before the time on my pay-and-display ticket. The guy who gave me the ticket must have been watching and issued the ticket as soon as I left the car... I was only way from the car for 4 minutes!

I appealed and got nowhere, even though I sent them copies of both the parking ticket and penalty ticket showing the times, and had to pay a £60 penalty.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Yhea I've seen plenty of this sort of thing, I used to work up London and a lot of that was with the crews digging up the roads for repairs to utilities.

I can't tell you the number of tickets we had to argue, we ALWAYS kept a digital camera or a camera phone on hand, those parking wardens would try anything - I've seen wardens sneaking into a barrier'd off area with like generator run flood lights, 20 work men, water pouring out on the road, 3am emergency burst repair - if I hadn't of gone to the back of the van to put another sweater on and grab some tools I would never of caught the parking devil him self sneaking around ticketing all 4 vans!!!! - We verbally ripped him a new one, he had parked up illegally him self in a private car (we later learned as he drove off) he was hiding in the shadows within the barriers of a very busy work site without any sort of high viz or other safety kit and he was taking advantage of the noise of the work to ticket 2 transit type vans and a smaller one... I have no doubt that if he got those 3 he would of approached the other one on the other side of the road.

They are on commission, they don't care, and they can never explain them selves because they suddenly forget how to speak english.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:33 AM
I got a speeding ticket in Massachusetts 6 years ago...I appealed it, and while I was at my appeal hearing, I had parked in an unmarked "no parking" zone... I lost the appeal and got a 50 dollar ticket too. So, I feel the pain here!

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by MarshMallow_Snake
I got a speeding ticket in Massachusetts 6 years ago...I appealed it, and while I was at my appeal hearing, I had parked in an unmarked "no parking" zone... I lost the appeal and got a 50 dollar ticket too. So, I feel the pain here!

According to webpirate you didn't learn your lesson either.

makes me glad I don't have a car to be honest, one less way they can screw me for nothing..

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:52 AM
Around here they used to follow folks who were going from the courthouse after hearings about their suspended license. They'd follow em back to the cars the fools drove to the courthouse in and light em up again. Folks finally got the hint.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by webpirate
reply to post by 10987654321

Apparently, he didn't learn from the first one.....

So another one will learn him real good won't it?

It amazes me that no one cares about city planning and the people that are behind the curtain. Newsflash but urban sprawl and lack of parking in cities was by design. Poorly designed cities are poorly designed because of the corruption of city officials. When people have to suffer the consequences they are nickel and dimed to poverty.

In Hong Kong, Japan and Korea it is faster to take the train than drive. No one worries about parking tickets because cars are either a luxury for the rich or a hassle for the poor.

Roads and cities were not designed for the population increase that spurred in the last century. If they want to take money for their poor planning the least they could do is save it to design better transportation routes.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 12:00 PM

This could exactly happen in my country too. Our nations are bankrupt.

It wouldnt surprise me in a couple of years being finally taxed for the air we breath per year under some greenhouse demented concept.
edit on 16-3-2011 by AboveTheTrees because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 12:00 PM
The whole thing is a joke, I am not surprised by this at all... I parked in london opposite a pay and display machine, I walked across the road and got a ticket, putting it in the window of my car, I walked up the road and looked back to see a guy putting a parking ticket on my car.

I approach him and pointed to the ticked in my window and the machine opposite, it turned out that I parked in a road that split two of Londons boroughs, and in turn that meant the parking ticket I had was not valid for the side of road I parked on.. the guy was a complete... utter string of expletives..

Anyway he insisted on issuing the ticket because as he put it, that was his job and if I argued with him he'd get me arrested, which was a response that nearly drove me to thump him.. It took me the best part of 8 months and numerous appeals to get the thing squashed..

edit on 16/3/11 by thoughtsfull because: am really rubbish at telling my story.....

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

I would never have parked there if there was a sign...the speeding, I admit...but nothing was labeled on the parking. Oh well...such is life.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Each time you break the law is a separate offence. Just because you are paying the penalty for the prior offence does not give you a bye to commit the offence again. I bet if you park your vehicle there and remain in it you will get another citation.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:34 AM
This is disgusting!! the world has gone mad

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by 10987654321

I don't understand why this is news? This has happened to me many times. In fact, I have had tickets stuffed inside the envelopes of other tickets. I even practically got tazed by a cop, because he wrote me a ticket for an illegal lane change, when he observed the lane change from his motorcycle parked on a sidewalk. I tried to force him to write himself a ticket and it got heated.

I think getting a parking ticket while paying a parking ticket is probably pretty common.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by 10987654321

I don't understand why this is news? This has happened to me many times. In fact, I have had tickets stuffed inside the envelopes of other tickets. I even practically got tazed by a cop, because he wrote me a ticket for an illegal lane change, when he observed the lane change from his motorcycle parked on a sidewalk. I tried to force him to write himself a ticket and it got heated.

I think getting a parking ticket while paying a parking ticket is probably pretty common.

Thats the trouble we have let it become common, its a shame we dont get more angry about all this zero tolerance crap, where fricking human not roboxes,

I would be up for a get your own back vigilanty group on these organisations, Where,s my balaclava,

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 05:30 PM
A friend of mine (cough), also got a ticket like this guy some years back now, and what he did was get his own back, and so for the next year every time he went to that certain car park he took a tube of super glue with him, and when he came out that tube of super glue was empty, those ticket machines did not take any money for some while after that, and so after a year of causing probably thousands of pounds in lost revenue he felt he had repaid this company for their zero tolerance mindset. but hey i dont want to put ideas into anybodys head.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by webpirate

I don't think you understood the news story. The man was paying for his parking meter stub at the machine (perhaps in the center of the block) - and while he was doing that (30 seconds or so) a parking meter person ticketed his car and taking a photo!!! Even though he showed his freshly paid for stub - the parking person didn't care and gave him the ticket anyways!!

It's very uncool - The parking meter person should get out of their vehicle and look to see if there is anyone paying at the meter BEFORE they just slap a ticket under the windshield wiper.

edit on 17-3-2011 by harrytuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by MarshMallow_Snake

An unmarked no parking zone? That sounds ridiculous. What was their justification for it?

On topic: If you're going to pay for a parking ticket it makes no sense to charge you for it while you're paying for the first one.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by 10987654321

the same happened to me , but i wrote an appeal because the guy was standing behind me when i was buying my ticket , it was a very damp day and the ticket did not stick on the wind screen . in my appeal i told them that i was prepared to go to court and show that i had bought the ticket and was observed by the attendent doing so . the fine was annuled .

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