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Earthquake Prediction Calculator - Scary Accurate

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by SneakySleuth911
Also, could someone still please refute how a supposed Brown Dwarf is not exerting any gravitational pull on Jupiter or the Astroid Belt or any other object for that matter?

Sheesh. Forget gravity.

An object in the solar system more massive than Jupiter, and closer than Jupiter's orbit would be VERY BRIGHT, in particular brighter than Jupiter, simply from reflection of the Sun.

It would be the brightest object in the sky other than Sun and Moon. Everybody on the planet could see it.

Nobody sees such thing.

Conclusion: ain't no such thing.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by shadowland8
Can someone tell me in laymen terms what the electric universe theory is, I googled it but couldn't really find anything that I could understand.
edit on 19/3/11 by shadowland8 because: (no reason given)

Laymen terms? bovine scatology
edit on 30-3-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by liejunkie01
Sorry op. I am not that into astrology. I wonder how many times in history a palm reader or tarrot card reader was correct in their predictions. I live in the New madrid quake zone. So i want to be aware of events that can be happen here. But all i have read, is how a comet can affect the earth and I am not buying it. This is only my opinion and I am not trying to sound like a goober.

edit on 22-3-2011 by liejunkie01 because: grammar

I am not sure what you thought you read or how much you read but this thread has absolutely nothing to do with astrology.

Does this calculator not show relative positions of the celestial bodies to "predict" an earthquake? It has everything to do with astrology. Just because it is packaged in a new age Youtube video and is not in a dark room with tarrot cards being read by someone with a towel on their head is beside the point. Welcome to the computer age.

Astrology is a system of divination founded on the notion that the relative positions of celestial bodies are signs of or—more controversially among astrologers—causes of destiny, personality, human affairs, and natural events.[1][2] The primary astrological bodies are the sun, moon, and planets; although astrology is commonly characterized as "reading the stars", the stars actually play a minor role. The main focus is on the placement of the seven planets relative to each other and to the signs of the zodiac, though the system does allow reference to fixed stars, asteroids, comets, and various mathematical points of interest as well. As a craft, astrology is a combination of basic astronomy, numerology, and mysticism. In its modern form, it is a classic example of pseudoscience.

I know it has been a while since posting. This thread got lost in my subscribed threads.
edit on 30-3-2011 by liejunkie01 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Does this calculator not show relative positions of the celestial bodies to "predict" an earthquake? It has everything to do with astrology. Just because it is packaged in a new age Youtube video and is not in a dark room with tarrot cards being read by someone with a towel on their head is beside the point. Welcome to the computer age.

Ah no... there is no new age video and no divination, mysticism, or esoterica the video shows the simulator from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory tracking the trajectory of the Comet Elenin just cold hard science. Three physical alignments with earth sun and mercury coincided with the last three major earthquakes so there is speculation that there is a correlation. It has nothing to do with astrology just astronomy, magnetic fields, and the science of physical alignments.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik

I had begun thinking about this when i was presented with the information a few months ago. As i work with EM here and there, it should be obvious why i took a bit of an interest in this topic.
i also posted another post here, but was in a bit more of a ranting mood. They both cover slightly different parts of the same grounds though. This post was just focusing on some patterns i found while messing with the jpl sim.

if it is elenin that is a catalyst for certain events, then there would be reasons for it. To explore the sun-earth-elenin theory, im not so sure we would be looking at an element of gravity specifically, so there would be other hypotheses including magnetism. We are still working on theories as far as how solar activity (from any source) affects this planet. We know at the very least, magnetic anomalies can present themselves around the time and location of an earthquake. We have two events that exhibit a possible emerging pattern with very large earthquakes, as well as many great unknowns about earthquakes themselves (and of course the universe as a whole!). The two most relevant periods of time in the past are, roughly, february 26 - march 3, 2010 and march 11 through 19, 2011. the magnetic field would have to be strong, but if it were to have a strong magnetic interaction, it would more likely be around those dates as two very strong magnetic forces (sun/elenin) can tug/pull equally on a weaker one (earth). It might be interesting to figure out how japan and chile were oriented in regards to the sun and elenin on the dates of the earthquakes.

However, we are not necessarily looking at "alignments" for a bit now and i think this might be the basis of this girl wanting to get her family out of california in general for the march 31st prediction. if it is elenin causing these things, i would suspect around mid august, we would start to see increased effects as it closes in past 1 AU, at a greatly accelerated pace. We would get a sun-elenin-earth alignment (note the order) around sep 27, 2011. Though, such an alignment may not be as relevant as the close distance, or a sun-earth-elenin alignment. Oct 15-19 will be when it is closest to earth (.232 AU on oct 17), and the specific effect it will have (if it is indeed a such a magnetic object) will depend entirely on orientation of the magnetic fields of the earth and elenin. it would be possible elenin does not have a stable rotation of its magnetic field as well. Around november 5, we will cross the tail of elenin, then pretty quickly go into another sun-earth-elenin alignment starting around Nov 20 through 28 2011. The final alignment will be around Dec 21-29 2012, and past that we would, assumedly, be out of its theoretical magnetic field.

Now for true speculation! the first alignment date of 2010, it was roughly 6 AU from earth. This would place a lower limit on the size of the magnetic field of elenin at roughly 6 AU. That is the most "reasonable" number we will get, haha, so lets work with that. Now, if this object would also have an effect when it came within 6 AU of the sun, which would have started around Jun 10, 2010. this would likely have manifested in a increase in solar activity from our sun, though i have not looked into that date for that.. The sun would be within this magnetic field until about december 2012. Earth would be contained in this ~6AU magnetic field from about feb 26, 2010 to may 1, 2010. then again starting sep 21, 2010 to Feb 12, 2013. This magnetic field may also explain the increased feeling of "doom" by some, "ascension" by others, and all around restlessness all around (like that statement?
), as well as the malfunctioning compasses and such. It might also cause things like lights and batteries to "go" with greater frequency than they have in the recent past. It is obviously all just a postulation that may end up being false (likely), but hey, thats what its all about right?
If patterns start to exhibit, we must explore them regardless of if it challenges our current understanding or not! I did find it interesting how this girl described magnetic events with pretty good detail, while obviously not being educated on the matter. she said angels told her, but google can do that too..

Well, that was definitely the most i have looked into it thus far
It was all just using the jpl plot. I typed this randomly throughout the day, so im sure something has issues with continuity. If elenin is an object of unknown make-up and is the catalyst for these events, it will only become clear through further observation. the veracity of the theory has nothing to do with the validity of the predictions though, that will be determined individually and a whole lot sooner, also through observation. I actually do not necessarily feel elenin is the cause of any of this, but i am more than willing to explore a valid possibility based on emergent patterns, regardless of the context under which it is presented.

[color=limegreen]I sent a u2u to someone detailing a bit about an earthquake test platform, but i feel its relevant here too and perhaps even of interest (if you can get past my gating mechanism of verbosity

I have long suspected that in the tension before an ensuing quake, there would be specific magnetic anomalies. the only issue is data collection and pattern emergence. i though about building a specific test platform for this? would be interesting to see what a scale model would elucidate. it could basically be two test mediums to represent plates in various ways. then test it with a strong magnetic field penetrating it (as a magnet under the medium, measured above the medium), and also test it as the two plates acting as electro-magnets. As the test mediums build pressure, one would monitor the em fields present around the entire test platform for any changes and patterns that may occur leading up to, during, and after a simulated quake. if the idea behind the testing platform is able to represent real world mechanics, at least from a pattern standpoint, then applied in a little different manner, it could test for elenin as well.

I dont know how much anyone knows about magnets, but i dont need to go too in depth to explain one of my hypotheses. So, when you have say, three magnets, the one in the center will prefer to be opposing to the ones on the outside. If you create a line of magnets that are linked, they will want to switch polarities back and forth with each magnet. I have suspected that when the earth is that center magnetic field between two very strong magnets (like the sun and "x") then depending on the orientation of those magnetic fields, the earths field will want to flip its polarity. or, at the very least move around. This magnetic influence would likely affect everything from mass distribution to possibly even plate movement.

The testing platform could also test how an outside strong magnetic influence, of varying polarity differences, would affect a "close-by" magnetic field, and the things contained within it (plate movement, specifically).

Something like that would allow for repeated testing, and if designed properly, not just for em patterns.

Either way, mid october will be a phenomal time to do some celestial body watching


I am that (excited) someone that you U2U'd and answered you here. Yes, I am extremely interested in going to the next step with this endeavor - what, in your opinion, will it be?

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Thank you for your time and consideration.

These challenges to life and sanity on this planet must be met with clear minds and sound hearts, so may your 2011 see you embracing its highest potential and onward through the fog!

In Peace & Light


Dodged a Solar Bullet

Global Emergency & Disaster Info

Cometgate! Elenin + 2005 YU55 + Nibiru

Surviving the American Food Crisis of 2011

Earthquake Lights & Sounds Live Update Map

Will America's Nuclear Power Plants Fail in an 8.0 Earthquake?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Op I watched your video and was wondering if you or anyone else knew the distance in mile the "comet" will be when closest to earth. Gent on the video say .03 something AU.

Nasa Astrobiology Senior Scientist David Morrison says it will be over 20 million miles away from Earth but we would still be able to see it with mere binoculars. Does this not seem a odd statement.

Elenin's perihelion (closest to the Sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the Sun of 40-45 million miles. It will be closest to Earth on about 16 October, at a distance of about 21 million miles, which is nearly a hundred times farther than the Moon. The comet never comes close to the Earth, but it is expected to be visible in binoculars during August and October.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Rhain
Op I watched your video and was wondering if you or anyone else knew the distance in mile the "comet" will be when closest to earth. Gent on the video say .03 something AU.

Nasa Astrobiology Senior Scientist David Morrison says it will be over 20 million miles away from Earth but we would still be able to see it with mere binoculars. Does this not seem a odd statement.

Elenin's perihelion (closest to the Sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the Sun of 40-45 million miles. It will be closest to Earth on about 16 October, at a distance of about 21 million miles, which is nearly a hundred times farther than the Moon. The comet never comes close to the Earth, but it is expected to be visible in binoculars during August and October.

AU = Astronomical Unit. .03 would be 2788674.218023 miles.

Here is an AU to miles converter:

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:00 PM
so when's the big one expected in SoCal? there seems to be a buzz about one expected mid to late Aug..

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by masterp
From reading over some of the threads on earthquakes it seems that the 37th parallel might be the latitude to look at..Just an idea.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Looks like we may be seeing a precursor to this event.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:35 AM
The JPL small body page was updated only recently on 2 Sept 2011. Click on the link at the bottom of that page to see the Close Approach Data which says 16 Oct 2011 at 0.234 AU maximum distance from Earth. That probably does not need a very big 'nudge' for it to whistle by. Trouble is, once it has been announced, they probably dont re-announce any modifications to their calculations.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by guessing
reply to post by kermithermit111

Again this is not for lack of trying.

So where do you suggest we start?

A proposed idea.. I believe i've read that Jupiter could not be any bigger then it is, otherwise it would be a "failed" star.. so, try using that java app along with say, 1% increase to Jupiter's size, and mass, would that be almost a brown dwarf? Just food for though, I don't know much about this stuff yet, but I do feel as a kid on christmas even thinking about such sensational ideas.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by kermithermit111

This is an interesting site, which amongst other things, tells us a bit about the history of this forgotten 'planet'

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:50 PM
While I am no way undermining or attempting to state that this 188 theory is uninteresting, I feel I must point out an area of data that I feel negates the 188 day theory.

First off, is that in order to get 188 days from the date of the Chile earthquake which is dated correctly, 02-27-10 to the New Zealand, Christchurch earthquake, the Christchurch NZ, the date would have to be 09-03-2010.

The USGS has listed the date of the NZ, Christchurch earthquake as 09-03-10. I am providing the internet links to show what I am stating even though the date is show as 09-04-10 at various internet sites.


However, if you use the 09-04-10 date which is shown in this thread to be the correct date, you will get 189 days. So I decided to look closer at the data and well, it did not change the error.

If you count from 09-03-10 to the date of the Japan earthquake, 03-11-11 you get 189 days. While I realize that if the date of 09-04-10 is used, only then do you get 188 days, but then the first period between Chili and NZ would be 189 days instead of 188 days.

While from Japan, 03-11-11 to Sept. 15 is exactly 188 days, one cannot ignore the correct count of 188 days only if you count from 02-27-10 through Sept 03-10. This time frame gives the 188 days, but if you use the 09-04-10 date you will get 189 days.

While I still find this 6 mo and 7 day window interesting, there is exactly 188 days from Chile, 02-27-10 to 09-03-10. Adding on a day if corrected then increases the count to 189 days.

If I use the date 09-03-10 to 03-11-11, then we get 189 days from NZ to Japan.

While I hope this is just a glitch, when I looked around trying to correct this supposed error is when I noted the one day difference and went about trying to find out what is the correct date.

If one corrects the first period from 02-27-10 through 09-04-10 to what could be or should be the correct date, then we get 189 days and not 188.

This of course many not matter to those already sold on the 188 day theory, but at present that theory is not viable because of the date discrepancy. If we use 09-03-10 we get 188 days but as soon as you correct the date to 09-04-10 you get 189 days.

Here is the software program that I am using to count days from Sept 04 through March 11, = 188 days. Just remember that if we use this period, then the initial period from Chili to NZ then becomes 189 days instead of 188.

Internet link to program used to determine Days between dates = Counter Program

Initially, I thought it was just a date error, but if that error is corrected to 09-04-10, the count becomes 189 days for the first period from Chili to New Zealand.

While 09-04-10 through 03-11-11 is 188 days, either way we end up with one period being correct and the other being off by one day.

While this may not matter to anyone, I contend that if a theory contending 188 days is being repeated, I would have to say it is not and the data I just covered explains that data discrepancy of one day.

While only one single day off from Sept 15 or Sept 16 may be close enough for most, it still would be false to claim that 188 days appears to be repeating when it is not.

I still have noted Sept 15 and Sept 16 as a date to note regardless of this count error, but there is no repeating of 188 days no matter whether you use the 09-03-10 date or the 09-04-10 date.

The 188 day rule is not consistent and in that regard, all I wanted to do is point this out. Just remember that if you correct the date 09-04-10 and use this date, it will then give you 189 days from Chili to New Zealand.

In effect there is no way to correct any possible date error without still having one period between earthquakes that is 189 days instead of 188 days.

Think on what I have pointed out and then ask yourself if the 188 day theory still holds true. It would not in my opinion and therein lies the problem that I found with this 188 day window between earthquakes as not being a valid 188 day theory that should be ignored just to appease those that don't want to count days and discovery what I just stated.

Thanks again for considering this discussion on the 188 day discovery that as I have shown, is not consistent with 188 days as proclaimed between earthquake dates.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

wow, I had no idea I'd have to come back and defend my calculations. much less 6 months later. I noticed the 188/189 day issue then also. but, that was why I calculated it "From the date & time" the quake struck (using UTC/GMT)

Feb 27 2010 (06:34 UTC) Chile 8.8
(188 days, 10 hours 1 minute later)
Sept 4 2010 (16:35 UTC) Christchurch New Zealand 7.2
(188 days 13 hours 11 minutes later)
March 11 2011 (05:46 UTC) Japan 9.1
and now (188 days 13 hours 45 minutes later)
Sept 15th , 2011 (19:31:02 UTC) Fiji 7.3
clocks have been reset for March 22, 2012. between 05:31 & 14:31 UTC. (22:31 2/22 & 07:31 PDT on 3/23) 7.0+ quake.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 03:14 AM
My mind is blown that 188/189 days went by and there was another one right on time. Very strange!

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