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Did a simpsons clip predict a nuclear disaster on 3-11-11???? must watch!!

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:41 AM

I think I make some interesting points and comparisons in this video and would like to hear everyone's thoughts.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

Mod Note (This Appears On Every New Thread Page): takes pride in making every post count. Please do not create minimal posts to start your new thread. If you feel inclined to make the board aware of news, current events, or important information from other sites; please post one or two paragraphs, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on the news item as a means to inspire discussion or collaborative research on your subject.

edit on 3/16/2011 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2011 by sanctum because: Fixed link

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:42 AM
Fix the link then I can watch it.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by destro423

Even with all the screaming and yelling youre post is empty.
Just as well i had sound turned off.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Aslpride

Here you go, this should do it.

I dunno. I've seen this particular clip of the Simpsons dissected over and over. Gotta call it "thin" at the very least.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:04 AM
Any graphic designers here? Familiar with the pattern brush tool in adobe illustrator? Well sometimes when you apply a certain pattern (the alternating tiles in this case) to a circular path, it sometimes doesn't space itself equally throughout the path. Thus the last 2 or last tile will become distorted. Perhaps the animators used illustrator to draw the cartoon.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:32 AM
I don't think theres anything in this video, it seems like too much of a stretch for me, I don't sdee anything at all relating to 3-11-11. i'm not saying your wrong but the video just seems so general and vague and it even says in the video that its been linked to multiple things already.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Thx mods for fixing me up and thx everyone for their opinions keep em coming!
second line

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by destro423

man this is stupid, 6-10-11 or 10-6-11 would be more realistic, youve just messed around with numbers till they have fit the said date. simple. no conspiracy....yet.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:32 AM
This Simpsons episode i thought was very strange. Especially the end where there is an army tank on the playground.
its called Angry Dad The Movie

width="512" height="288"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="512" height="288" allowFullScreen="true">
edit on 16-3-2011 by solsticebaby87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:15 AM
This sort of stuff always creeps the crap right out of me, of course, our brain tends to make correlations even where there don't have to be any, but still. The Simpsons are a prime example of evil television (although i do love it from time to time. Guilty pleasure ey, just like fastfood). I would certainly not be suprised if there are elements in the elitist world that follow some way out there evilness-protocol where it is mandatory to tell the world what they are up to, even if it is in some extremely cryptic way, just to say, even if it is to themselves, ' we did warn you, it's not our problem you didn't 'get it'. This in combination with a dumbed-down populace that only accept what they are told by someone with some percieved authority.

Or, it's the forementioned making correlations where there are none. I'm on the fence about it because who ever researched the brain on that function/dysfunction and who paid for the research? On whose authority did they come to that consensus if there even is one.


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by destro423

Dear Destro423,
I think this is simply a case of seeing things where they are not. I've watched these Simpsons clips before, numerous times and everytime all I thought is that some desperate mind was wanting to "see" something. I am sure if you spent enough time looking at other cartoon you would find somewhere similar things which could be believed to be a point being made by the creators.

Two simple questions:
1) Why would the makers of the Simpsons be privy to any insider information?
2) Why would they bother to let the public know if they knew?

I'm sorry but I think this is desperation.


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:52 AM
[3-11-11=3-2-2=3-4=7] Ahahahaaha! I love how sinister you made the video, very artistic and intuitive. It gives me chills come to think of it, but all that aside with enough THC/amphetamines mixed in your system, the over functioning brain tends to hyper ventilate in a sense at late hours of the wee night. Long story short, we look back at patterns that our funny little minds pre-program themselves to see. Still I'm amazed you went back in your memory and linked a series of events that may altogether be fictional.
Let me explain, we watch The Simpsons and BELIEVE they are real, we watch some event on the news (*cough cough 9-11) and we BELIEVE it is real.
Yes I know I sound a bit weird, but until you can truly put yourself inside the damn cockpit of a situation, and actually feel the events unfolding are actually happening...then you would admit it is happening?
edit on 16-3-2011 by Mr9v9 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2011 by Mr9v9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by destro423

ATS member 'Signals' made a prediction thread using this clip some time ago...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:40 AM
Ahhh it all made sense after I was wrong 300 times before that.. Now it makes perfect sense...

You should go into weather forecasting, seems to be a job for you.. your wrong 90% of the time and still get paid good money..

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by 1beerplease
reply to post by destro423

man this is stupid, 6-10-11 or 10-6-11 would be more realistic, youve just messed around with numbers till they have fit the said date. simple. no conspiracy....yet.
That's what I was thinking,shoot if you what to go his route you could use any number in the clock and come up with many many combinations to fit any conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:14 PM
Ok ok, I see this video is not a fan favorite. I get the idea. But hey it didnt cost me any money to make the video so unlike the one poster said there really isnt anything "desperate" about this.

Hindsight is always 20/20 - Yeah you can say that. I never said I had all the answers but this was just my take on it......for unless of course the chinese or the russians decide to nuke us on 6-2-11. Yeah righhhhhht. From the way its lookin that wont be necessary to irradiate us...

As Vader says "All too easy" , what I think about those direct prediction dates. muhahahahah

I honestly thought there would be more open minded people to see the comparison between nuclear plant and nuclear plant....mushroom cloud and mushroom the camera shots looked the same with the distance and etc. I think when you take that what I just said and THEN.......wait let me say it again...and THEN you look at the possible dates and you actually GET 3-11-11?????? It seems less like "trying to make it work" like some of you implied and more like something thats meaningful to the topic. What about 11-6-10???
Nothing nuclear accidents major of any kind. Ok what about 2-6-11???? Nothing nuclear accidents major of any kind. Then the formula points to 3-11-11. What happened??? MAJOR #ing doom........thousands dead ,thousands missing in japan from a 9.1 earthquake and the resulting tsunami and days later leads us to the money shot. The Fukishima reactor 3 hydrogen explosion creating oddly enough almost the same camera shot. Still think I am grabbing at straws????You people believe what you want. Thats the point of this thread to hear your thoughts and I appreciate them. Even if some try their best to drag me in the mud a lil. lol

Things happen in the world and then people go look for Nostradamus quatrains or the bible and find what they believe was a prediction while others say it was forced. Who saw the dates on Neo's ID on the Matrix in 2000 and thought 9-11 would be a problem??? Heck the date was right there in our face and what??? What about the lone gunmen??? they make an episode about terrorist flying a jet into the world trade center (albeit by remote control) and was that a problem or tip off??? My point is maybe these answers are in front of our face all the time and these are the things never figured out till after it has happened. The things people dont make two dozen viral videos about.....

So what we have here is something there some kind of ethereal consciousness that we all tap into where the future and the past are intertwined? Or something much more a false flag??

If you don't believe in such things you really shouldn't be on conspiracy sites. I believe you have to be totally open to possibilities of any kind, no matter how bizarre or unbelievable if you want the TRUTH.

I think one has to TRULY be awake to see the comparison of things in this video and things before it that are similar.. Another popular one that many of you havent heard of is the way independence day showed dozens of people running panicked toward the camera and a huge plume of smoke trailing behind them. Almost the exact scene the cameras recreated on 9-11.

Ok pz

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by TWILITE22

Originally posted by 1beerplease
reply to post by destro423

man this is stupid, 6-10-11 or 10-6-11 would be more realistic, youve just messed around with numbers till they have fit the said date. simple. no conspiracy....yet.
That's what I was thinking,shoot if you what to go his route you could use any number in the clock and come up with many many combinations to fit any conspiracy.

Because out of the DATES that clock has revealed in the past NOTHING happened. 3-11-11 was major doom. You would have to do something REALLY grand to upstage that. (dont see it happening, this clip is done now I think) That single event set off a cascade of events that is gonna DESTROY that whole country. A country destroying date that will also effect the world. Pretty big dont you think?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by destro423

It doesen't hurt to keep trying to look for conspiracies in t.v shows,don't let me discourage you because I believe they did do it in the past with 911,I don't have the patience to look for clues unless of course it's in your face obvious.So keep up the good work and maybe you will have a hit.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:51 AM
*update* - In less than a months time the video got over 8,000 views. And at the end it was earning about 1,000 per day. THEN it seems "20th century fox" has filed a claim on me and got it removed. Why THIS video? Didnt have over 10 seconds of raw footage from either of the shows it displayed. Nobody removed these clips back in November 2010 when everyone was riding Cliff Highs nuts. Not to mention I was NOT selling anything either nor was I showing complete episodes. How many Simpsons clips on youtube??? Hundreds???Thousands?? They gonna file a claim on all them? Well..........9 cars pass a parked cop doing 100 mph and the 10th car comes by and he gives them a speeding ticket. I find that "unfortunate" luck. I don't so much see that here. But..... You people take it for what its worth though. pz

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