Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by schuyler
To answer the question more directly...."Could he win?" OF COURSE, this is America where a kid born to mixed parents (and most likely in Kenya) can
grow up to be President with very few knowing anything about him except for the last decade....who basically went from the state senate to the white
house in less time than a full senate term. So, of course, anything is possible.....but it is not probable unless he has the full endorsement of the
Republican Party (no Ross Perot or Bull Moose candidate) and it wouldnt hurt to have MSM and TPTB behind him (and that isnt going to happen). But you
asked "could" not "would" and I have to be optimistic about America (but I am not naive).
I find myself regretting arguing with you because I agree with what you are saying, including your statements about Obama. You appear to be taking me
to task because it is technically possible for him to win. I'm saying unequivocally, no, he cannot, whether it is technically possible or not. Given
his time and place in America today I am saying there is no possible way he COULD gain the support he would need to a) gain the Republican nomination
and b) Beat Obama in an election. That was the original question.
Trump's biggest problem is that he is well known where Obama was not. Obama could pretend he embodied hope & change when he did not. With the help of
a fawning MSM media with pundits getting tingles down their legs he fooled a lot of people.The left rallied behind him. The right dithered, as usual,
and the rest is history.
But we know Trump, the billionaire egotist with his own airplanes, helicopters, casinos, hotels, and trophy wives. He projects a picture of a very,
very rich man who dabbles everywhere, now in politics. He has never been interested in politics before and has, indeed, given a lot more money to
Democrats than Republicans, though this is not yet public knowledge. No one has ever accused him of wanting a career in public service, his Celebrity
Apprentice charity giveaways notwithstanding.
He has absolutely no support on the left: Zero. He embodies, and would be a lightening rod to, what they hate. He also has little support on the
right. He's seen as a johnny-come-lately to conservative ideals--abortion is just one issue--plus he's not seen as socially acceptable. What's left
is the populist middle that wins elections, but Trump is from (Get a rope) New Yahk City! The Heartland is not going to go for him, He can put on
coveralls and sit on a tractor if he wants, but he will be seen as another Edie Albert on Green Acres--not really seriously a farmer.
In short, Trump does not have the ability or the type of charisma to rally America around him. Listen to people like Herman Cain or Alan West or even,
for that matter, Chris Christie. Even if you don't like these guys, you gotta admit they can rally a crowd. All three of them are fast on their feet
and steadfast in their ideals. Trump is a dilettante, and that shows.
So, COULD he win? My revised answer: Technically, yes, but realistically, no way.