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Will Potassium Iodide be the next Kool-Aid Flu Shot?

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I'm not going to start posting numerous links to try and justify a theory, but a few will suffice.

Question: Remember Big Pharm, the WHO and yes even the Govt. shouting from the rooftops..."Line up for your shots or your children will die!" H1N1.

Outcome: Scam. People actually dieing from the shots. Billions in profits and success in putting whatever they wanted to into the bodies of millions of people.

Now here's a new scenario:

Govt Hoarding of Potassium Iodide :

U.S. Government Blocking Americans From Obtaining Potassium Iodide


Canada almost there:

So my question would be this: Is it not the perfect time for the Govt. to come to the rescue and distribute another life saving medicine laced with whatever else they might choose? Seems to me that this is the perfect scenario for another mad rush to the Kool-Aid.

Just a theory...

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by jude11

Answer: No because this never happened.

Encouraging someone to get flu shots for patients with weaker immune systems isn't telling them they'll die.

Your thread is already dead because your over sensationalized statement.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by jude11

Answer: No because this never happened.

Encouraging someone to get flu shots for patients with weaker immune systems isn't telling them they'll die.

Your thread is already dead because your over sensationalized statement.

Unfortunately, people did die by trusting in the vaccine and that is not over sensationalized. Clinical tests did not take place so people died...period.

Was this intentional? Not testing is intentional.
Could people have resorted to other methods? Absolutely.

Did people line up for a vaccine that wasn't tested and was proven to be ineffective? Yes.

So the question is what was in the vaccine?

As I said, it's not an argument...only a theory.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:35 PM

The pill they are giving out to the japanese people is just to protect thier THYROIDS from THYROID CANCER caused by the radiation. OK, . . . . .lets get this straight, our thyroid will be ok, but what about our skin and our lungs and our eyes and our organs. Over 140,000 people around the plants are ordered to stay home because, THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS THIER SCREWED. thats why everybody on the outside of the perimeter is still told to evacuate immediatly.

KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN more things are happening than you think

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by jude11

Yeah. That's not ignorant of microbiology at all.

The flu mutated rapidly, protection against all strands isn't possible, it takes time to produce vaccines.

So would you have rather no protection be offered, or some?

It's like criticizing a personal body armor company because their product didn't protect against a .50 BMG round or the person got shot in the head.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Calcifer0

The pill is to protect against low doses of the radiation.

You pack the thyroid with the iodide that's not radioactive, so that the radioactive stuff can't get in and settle in the thyroid.

Again, it's not perfect, it doesn't cover all you bases, but it's better than the alternative.

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