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Japanese reactor problems, why we may not be getting the true story.

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 04:02 PM
The current problems that they are having at the Fukushima reactor in Japan do NOT fit with the disclosed purpose, process and operation of the reactors.

Could the problem really be caused by secret and illegal attempts at weapons grade radiological product production and research?

This may explain why the stated multiple point safety and security procedures are fruitless.

Perhaps some could theorise in this thread about what specific operations may be occurring, that do fit the scenario we are seeing.
edit on 15/3/2011 by chr0naut because: Clearer subject line

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

Can you please explain how you feel it the system there does not fit with civil nuclear power generation.

I Just want to know how you can to that conclusion, rather than take your word for it before I have any comment.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

When the quake hit, all control rods should have been fully inserted automatically and all the reactors shut down. The only issue, then, is the latent heat in the reactor and that the cooling system had failed, preventing the removal of this heat. The full insertion of control rods has been confirmed by company officials.

The fact that they are using seawater (mixed with Boron) indicates that they do not ever intend to re-start the reactor as seawater will cause long term corrosion damage which will be sped up by radiation.

The use of the seawater & Boron, with the fuel rod casing is known to cause outgassing of Hydrogen when heated sufficiently. It is this Hydrogen that is combusting explosively when it hits the atmosphere outside the containment vessel.

The thing is, the reactor SHOULD be slowly cooling after shutdown. In fact, according to recent reports, the temperature is increasing.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 05:00 PM
I swear the US News has to be the liers in the world..Even bigger than Japan..ABC news just stated "that only 1 of the reactors in Japan is giving them any trouble..All the others have been shut down properly. This one that is giving them trouble is no big concern they said and it should be taken care of witn-in a few hrs.....

Have you ever heard such lies.....They need to be taken out and hanged....I hope their family's are ashamed of them...

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut
The current problems that they are having at the Fukushima reactor in Japan do NOT fit with the disclosed purpose, process and operation of the reactors.

Could the problem really be caused by secret and illegal attempts at weapons grade radiological product production and research?

This may explain why the stated multiple point safety and security procedures are fruitless.

Perhaps some could theorise in this thread about what specific operations may be occurring, that do fit the scenario we are seeing.
edit on 15/3/2011 by chr0naut because: Clearer subject line

No, there isn't any evidence. The only thing that would be suspicious is if the fuel rods were burned and then removed in a short, and uneconomical, time frame and then spirited away to a questionable reprocessing site.

If Japan wanted to stealthily make nuclear weaponry, and I think they have no such interest, they would more likely use the cleaner but more expensive enriched uranium process, since I don't think they have any interest in making hundreds or thousands even in some conspiracy scenario.

I don't think there is anything other than the consequences of a massive tsunami destroying most of the surrounding infrastructure---the plants survived the initial earthquake larger than design specifications.
It was the tsunami that destroyed all the backup generators which started the real problem.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

Although it is a MOX reactor, enriched uranium metal fuel rods could have been used in place of the MOX ones to produce weapons grade products.

While the plant was running properly, cooling would have been sufficient. But if no similar upgrade was done to the control rods, then the existing shutdown procedure would have been insufficient and the reactor/s would have remained in operation.

We are now seeing running reactors with no cooling and the officials are talking of meltdown.
edit on 16/3/2011 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Japan's military was behind the Okinawa protests to kick the US military out of Japan. So then Japan would be able to use the $2 Billion they have to spend to support our military there to build their own military hardware.

They already have a 5th Gen fighter made by Mitsubishi ready to be mass produced.

Japanese military commanders were writing papers saying America was to blame for the Pacific War....although they spoke truth that alone started to reveal where Japan wanted to go.....sovereign again.

The first deployment of Japanese military out of their country since WWII was to Guam. Oddly when they got their they were taking pictures of every little thing from door knobs to other oddities.....hmmm why would they do that? Gathering intelligence for a future strike.

The Japanese reactors switching from Uranium to MOX fuel may also have been a secret Japanese military push to get to getting plutonium to make their own bombs.

Watch the "Samurai" on the History channel hosted by the Iron Chef guy. His parents were Japanese and killed in the atomic blasts on Japan.....he tells some history American's were prohibited from hearing.....WE caused Japan to attack us by ceasing trade with them and wouldn't send them oil anymore. WE rolled into Japan long ago with our Naval Ships and told them to start trading with us or they would be bombed....they just used that same tactic WE taught them and spread across the Pacific....and ended up telling us to open up to trade and give them oil or THEY would bomb us...we opted to get bombed in a suicide act to get America out of Isolationism and into WWII.

The Japanese will get revenge....maybe not this century...made not the next...but one day the Samurai will get revenge.

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