posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:14 AM
Hi, have you heard of Indigo Children? It sounds like you may be one.
And as for the original theme of this thread. I tend to speak out now, and I am amazed at the amount of even conservative people who are willing to
hear what I have to say and alot of them will say things like " you know, that makes some sense, and I feel that somethings happening!"
Mind you I've come across plenty of well educated, bright people who don't even know about WT 7. I show them on You tube and they are amazed!!!
For all of us " in the know" I feel we have an obligation to speak out, even if we get ridiculed, eventually when the more obvious things start to
happen they will remember and concede and hopefully get angry about it too and seek to change the status quo.