posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by MedievalGhost
Ultimately wrong... Ditto on that... however those that have Passion for this.. confirms my thoughts.
Every Rescue Ships should get to that shore line and get them away from there!
Short term time is wasting..
I know the Logistics here... are unreal.
However take those that want to go and be there to exit at multiple sites.
Every available Red Cross,Military,Cruse lines shoud be headed West...
One could expect some will choose not to go.
But every aspects of that effort should be foremost.
Otherwise we/they will realize more Greif...
I would welcome anyone Family into my home..
Doors are Open!
Be Wise,Be Well.....
edit on 15-3-2011 by jessemole because: (no reason given)