this started happening to me before my weight was ever an issue, i remember when i was 16 my doctor kept weighting me to make sure I didnt have an
eating disorder of some kind. I wasn't overweight and i wasn't an athlete either. I weighted 124 pounds every time. Today I weight quite a bit
more, now weight is an issue, it only makes it less likely that i will ever fixed this problem.
But then in this world, who really knows? anything can happen... i do want to get my weight back down to a healthy range. its a struggle... :<
There are so many reasons why this could be, each person with PCOS could have a different cause. Thanks to ATS i feel like i know what happened to
me. the past is not a mystery that needs to solved anymore. The real mystery to me is "how the hell do i do to fix this??" i have tried SO MANY
mainstream things... i am now turning to more wonky ideas, as long as i feel it is safe, im gonna give it a shot. Getting a little too used to
disappointments here though.
With all of that said, I disagree with the 2/3rds statistic, it isn't nearly that high, and mostly it is related to sperm count.
Also, my wife and I just briefly mentioned getting pregnant, didn't even try or agree or discuss it further, we literally mentioned it in the car one
day, and she was pregnant a couple of weeks later! Our second baby was exactly the same way! Some men and couples are still entirely fertile, so don't
talk to me about getting pregnant, because I can't afford any child support! Apparently it only takes a conversation and my boys are on the job!
thats so funny! made me smile! Well; the 2/3 is just a statistic i heard from TV, you dont have to believe it, but i do. It was a program about
downsyndrom and how much it has increased over the last few years. but you wouldn't know that either because alot of pregnancies are terminated when
the parents find out their child has down. I remember talking to a mother of a child i took care of who had down, and she told me the doctors
couldn't believe after she found out she was having a child with downsyndrom that she actually wanted to keep it.
un-real eh?
The show then talked about fertility, and how 2/3 of the population struggle to have children, (but still can have them) and 99 % of males with down
syndrome are completely infertile, and 75% of the girls are also infertile. It makes you wonder if these are only going to be getting worse. will the
population struggle more and more to have kids until the % becomes not of "struggles couples" but of "complete infertility." ?
i work with children, and I found some of the people i worked with never liked to tell people they had trouble conceiving their children, and had to
seek out help. this is very common because of the way people talk, for men, they almost brag about their swimmers and when someone struggles, they
dont want it to be known; it makes them feel inadequate. Its the same for woman too, i know people who have twins and they would rather not let
people know the true reason why that is. People pass it off at the dinner table so casual you wouldnt even know
"so when are you going to have children the both of you? you will make such a great family"
"ohh you know, soon, we are just going to travel a bit first" or "you know we haven't really thought about it (LIE) but we will soon.. thanks for
To me 2/3 is not alot. its not 2/3's of the population is Infertile, its just they struggle. So if you stand in a room of 6 people chances are only
2 of them are as lucky as you are to just say the word and BAM the deed is done. 3 of them will need to work at it for some time with out the help
of a doctor before the deed is done. they usually enjoy the years before having a child so it isnt really a big deal, and ONE will need to seek a
doctor lose weight, take pills have a pelvic examine check his sperm and finally... after a long wait or just letting it go; BAM the deed is done...
its very rare that you find people like me and will never have children.
i talk to alot of people who once struggle. They find im easy to talk with because i dont make them feel inadequate, I mean, I am more inadequate
then any of you here!! i am COMPLETELY and totally ok with that. I find it a blessing, so people have less trouble talking with me about it. and I
know im not alone.
so when you think about it, 1 person out of 6 seeks a doctor really isnt that much. 2 people dont wait at all and are very lucky and fast, and 3 will
wait a bit longer until it was ment to be,. where in the past, with our grandparents, most people were as lucky as you are!