I recently posted coincidences on the 33rd parallel or the masonic line of death. Lets start with Japan the most recent disaster on the 33rd or
ring of fire. its not specific in the location but part of Japan is on the 33 and near.
geotagged geo:lat=33.961586 geo:lon=131.572266
Afghanistan on the 33. www.gorissen.info... we all know what is going
on there or well not really.
Phoenix very close to tuscon and due to the increasing pole shifts who know where the true 33 is and yes it moves
This is just 33 north Chile is on 33 south and Australia.It does seem like a ring of fire I dont have all of the answers to why but other people have
noticed these things also somehow linking 33 degree mason I just thought it was strange that Japan is now on the list.
I'm sorry I have nothing significant to add, but I will always treasure "The Masonic Line of Death." It sounds just perfect as a piece of English
rolling off the tongue.
By the way, have you looked at the 33rd both latitude and longitude, east and west? How about where they meet?
Breaking news at 12:00 international news posted another explosion at the reactors in Japan.
Beware the Ides of March, wonder if that has any correlation either?