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Breaking: Man in Shopping Mall with Gun, Mall Evacuated and surrounded by Police

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:43 AM
It's definitely time for the federal government to step in here. Banning shopping malls is the only way to keep us safe.


posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:19 PM
Check it out:

That's the surveillance image showing the suspect carrying "something long and black," and what was reported to the police by 3 different callers as a gun. It was also thought to have been a rifle but it's pretty clear to me from that photo that it's not a normal rifle, or a handgun either, whatever it is.

The article was just updated today, not too long ago:

Updated at 12:45 pm

Roanoke City police now say they can't be 100% sure that the man who was seen in Valley View Mall last night was actually carrying a gun. The man spotted by both store employees and shoppers may have been carrying an umbrella. Roanoke City police are releasing the surveillance photos from Macy's and would like to talk to the man shown in the photo carrying something long and black. Police have a picture of him entering the mall but no photos of him exiting.

Extra police are at Valley View Mall today to reassure shoppers.

There were reports that the man was in Buffalo Wild Wings but both police and restaurant management have not been able to determine that. Restaurant managers are reviewing surveillance tape inside and outside the store today.

The search ended around 3 a.m. Tuesday and officers say they found nothing unusual.

The mall will go back to normal operations Tuesday and open at 7 a.m.

Officers say they checked every store after people say they saw a man with a gun inside.
Police say about forty officers conducted the sweep of the mall but did not find the gunman.

Pretty nuts. Someone was mentioning earlier how the police like to down-play crime, especially gang-related crime in the area. The last sheriff we had in Roanoke was known for his policy of denying that gang crime was even relevant here, thinking that by ignoring gangs he'd starve them of the attention they were seeking. I don't think they're just out for attention though.

I don't think someone carrying around an umbrella would really cause 3 different people to call police saying there was a man in the mall with a gun.

The guy probably just left with everyone else when the mall was evacuated.
edit on 15-3-2011 by bsbray11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:30 PM


posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Btw what's up to all you Roanokers? Didn't know there were so many of you on here. My mini profile says NRV but I'm actually up in Botetourt for now...

We're everywhere!

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Only gun I ever seen that length was a sawed off double barrel..... Unless the butt is hidden behind the arm there, that doesn't seem right either. Looks small enough to slip under the jacket and slip out unnoticed when they were evacuated for sure though.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:14 PM
Well it was just announced that the guy came forward and it has been confirmed that he was carrying...

drum roll.....


If it was a gun and he shot a bunch of people, this would be the time to mourn.

But since the opposite happened does that mean it's time to party??

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgentI also smell another idiot bringing fear to their neighborhood.

Hi PaidDisinfoAgent

I don't think anyone is an idiot because a neighborhood, or one person, gets scared.

I open carry all the time, for years, I never had a problem, I don't live in a town of, lets say weak, scared, bed wetting, people.
I don't consider myself to be an idiot for carrying a loaded gun. I do however feel sorry for the people who wet themselves when they see a gun in a holster. I have walked into many places, including Malls, that have the no concealed carry sign on the door. (Ghostbuster sign over a handgun) That sign, by law, is for canceled carry not open carry, in my city/state.

So I just make sure it is not covered by my shirt or jacket before I walk in. Most stores in my city do not pay the state or city for the signs. They welcome us law abiding gun toting citizens.

I tell you, the ones you want to watch for is the guy or gal waving a gun around and pointing it at people or shooting people. These are the dangerous people. With so many people confused and scared, I thought it might help to explain that.

I'm not bashing on anyone at all, just want to help.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

I guarantee the same people claiming this was an over-reaction would be claiming the police would be at fault if they had done nothing and it turned out to be real.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
It's definitely time for the federal government to step in here. Banning shopping malls is the only way to keep us safe.


Yes, like George Bush said, they hate us for our freedoms, so we better go out and SHOP!

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