posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:46 PM
oh PALESE!!! their is nothing new on that show as far as weapons goes that hasent been done before , i have been reading about guns and weapons since
1973, they are simple pandering to their customers, after all that is where the money comes from,most of those employes look like they are still in
their 20's,you really think they know anything?? you dont see them pulling out any reference books or manuals do you??and then what do you mostly see
them using in the shop? a dremel tool or a angle grinder!!!! yes they have two lathes , both chinese and one is that junk lathe-mill combo crap., and
they do have a bridgeport mill, but then they had ploblems with that one, any descent machin shop will always have 2 mills and they will be identical,
for easy repairs and part swaping if need a machinist whith 30+ years experience no i am not impressed with anything i see on that show, yes its
entertaing and some times funny but not educational at all.their are far more better ways to learn about guns and weapons than that show.just pick up
a copy of SAR (small arms review) plenty of info on the new stuff and old too.these guys are not on the cutting edge as far as the class 3 comunity is
conserned, and the military is just out looking for new ideas, that is why they contact RJ.good show but not educational.