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im not sure how many of you guys watch stargate but...

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posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 05:50 PM
I've thought about it this way. It is sort of like harmonics, You strum the middle C string and high and low C will oscillate with it harmonically due to air waves. If you strum the middle D string, high and low D will vibrate too. With, which I believe may be the case, infinite dimensions I don't see why you might not have many intersecting Universes. Depending on what frequency you are tuned to determines the Universe you exist in and experience.

Another way I have thought of it is sort of like the directions of vectors. Verticle is Time (90 degrees). Picture the Trigonometric Unit Circle, the next set of (3) vectors are the dimensions (all 3D rotationally equivalent about the time axis[tetrahedron]), then come the vectors of matter (possibly going off in mulitple Dimensions), then going towards horizontal (angle -> 0) you get entropic (EM) energies. As you get close to the horizontal you probably get spin foam, vectors that are so tangental that they only interact with the Universe very minimally. Then you have all the things below the horizontal, oblique angles to time, and therefore perhaps antithetical to time.

In any event would a slight shift in main/time access vector change one of the spacial dimensions to the new time vector, and shift the original time vector to a spacial dimension? This also changing all of the vectors slightly. Taking it further is it possible that a universe is defined by it's time vector and all other ancillary vectors operate in accordance with their relative variance/angle to it?
So depending on the particular orientation of the time vector, in potentially infinte dimensions, determines the Universe you experience.

PS. Sinobyte: That was Robert Oppenheimer quoting Shiva from the Bhagavad Gita

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:01 PM
I doubt that "something" can actually exist "out of phase" and still be "something" that we could consider to be real tangible "physical" material.

While I am sure there must be "energies" that could potentially exist "out of phase" from what we currently consider to be the "known" world.

IMO it is very doubtful that another "real" animate life form could simultaneously exist in the physical world without displacing the "real" physical ether that makes up our "real" world.

Energy, yes very possible that there exists energy forms outside of our ability to detect and to quantify them. Just as if you were unaware of what a "radio" signal is then you would have no knowledge or ability to discern that "radio" waves are currently bombarding you and everything around you. So therefore there must also exist other "things" that are present in our "real" world that at the present time we can not detect.

Cosmic radiation, Gamma particles, Neutrinos etc. That have limited mass and high velocities that must exist in great numbers, but are interacting with the surounding "real" world in such a micro atomic level that in regular human observation they remain "unseen".

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by slank
PS. Sinobyte: That was Robert Oppenheimer quoting Shiva from the Bhagavad Gita

Yes, I know.

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst into the sky at once,
that would mirror the Mighty One's splendor....
I am become Death --World-destroyer.
--The Bhagavad Gita

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