posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by laiguana
Oh wtf so your one of them reptiloides or reptilians, and a shape shifter to boot.
Excellent... some questions for you. Is it true what the nutters say about reptilians, that they eat and farm humans, and are always up to no good?
What shapes can you change yourself into? Can you change yourself into anything other then human like forms, such as a cow or wolf?
Whats your problem with insectoids? And why is it that those who always say these type of things always say its the other race of aliens that is
evil. Hence grays blame reptilians, and reptilians blame insectoids, and insectoids blame fish people/aliens, and fish aliens blame...well who
the hell knows who they blame, and so on etc.
Since you say that your a shapeshifter, can you prove it, pics or a vid or I call shenanigans on that.
And last but not least, are you a nutter?....... And what do you mean by the veil being lifted?..... And that insectods will turn humanity into
aphids? It would be kind of redundant since humanity is already very much so like aphids.