posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Just a quick post to say hi and introduce myself.
I've been a lurker on here for what seems like eons but have only recently got round to actually registering. I finally got fed up with all the ads.
I'm also pretty cautious with what I sign up to and have been very impressed with the knowledge and information gathered within these pages.
So about me...
I'm from good old blighty and live as far south as you can get without actually falling into the ocean. I grow my own veg and try to be as self
sustaining as poss. I've even darned my own socks to save pennies and they were wearable - major achievement. LOL
I have a keen interest in astronomy and have my own 4.5 inch Newtonian. The first time I saw Jupiter through it blew my mind.
I also like red wine, drive a camper and am owned by a tom cat.