posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 05:29 PM
Hi all and thanks to the OP for this thread. Enjoyed reading it thoroughly. I just wanted to clear something up regarding these scientific findings by
ancient Indians etc. In ancient India it would have been a very strange concept for an individual to take personal credit for a scientific finding.
This was due to the belief that the various scientific knowledge was in fact already known to each and every human being and you would simply be
'remembering' the knowledge rather than conceiving it. To put it plainly Hinduism is the only mainstream religion that doesn't require a 'guide book'
or spiritual leader to be able to gain enlightenment (salvation). It is believed that all the knowledge of the entire universe is already held within
you and it is our emotions and attachments built up over many many lifetimes that blinds you to this ultimate knowledge. A wise man would simply
meditate in order to strip away these sheaths of delusion to gain access to the ultimate truths within. The idea of writing down said knowledge came
much later. I believe at the beginning of the kaliyug after Shri Krishna left this world. When the wiser of men realised it was becoming increasingly
difficult to uncover the ultimate knowledge via meditation. If you guys are really interested in this stuff it might be an idea to start meditating
and therefore get it directly from the horses mouth... Just saying.