posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:20 AM
I've been asked how I do my painting. So I'm documenting it here:
First I sketch the subject (use the scroll at the bottom of the screenshot to see the original sketch on the right)
second I fill in with general colors
Then I like to goto a detail like the eyes
Then I work on blending all the paint
Now I have the general lay of the painting
I haven't slept in over 24 hours so I've got to go do some things then I'll come back and finish this painting later.
I hope this helps certain individuals understand that this is 100% painting on a digital medium. Yes I'm using a photo for reference, but that does
not make it any less painting. The tracing technique I use to get the outlines is the same one used by artists with tracing paper to get the original
drawing. I'm not using any filters or effects. I am only using the wonderful brushes in photoshop cs5. I even make a few like for the palm tree in
hulahula to simulate the palm fronds. The only tools used are brushes, blur, dodge, and burn so far in any of the paintings above.