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Calling on ALL People to Unite for Peace... Led by Tolerance and Love for Strength Against the elite

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:29 PM
These are very trying times for humanity. Instead of sitting around and complaining about all the things that are being done to us and the all conspiracies against us. Lets band together for a no-tolerance policy. Let us designate ONE WHOLE DAY to loving each other, life and being positive! I think it will have a serious impact!

Truly the only way to effectively combat negativity and deceitfulness is through the pure LOVE energy! This emanates more power than you can possibly imagine! ( The power of Love is virtually unstoppable and what miracles are made) If we are going to survive thrive and flourish in this environment...we must harness our energy and direct it towards HOPE and being POSITIVE and not gloom and doom and feeling as though we are being defeated and there's nothing we can do.

You dividing us into classifications of religions, tribes, politics...etc creates conflict! And this is how these SOB's are winning!!! What the crap would they do if they woke up one morning and there was no more fighting? No more divisions of religions and ethnicities? (okay a little Utopia...but)

We are giving them power and playing right into their hands with all this revolting and conflict. Don't you see they want us to fight! They would not what to do with themselves if Christians, Muslims and all other religions came together in the name of peace....even if its just for a day!! What do you say???? Are you in??

Have the Best Day EVER; Love and Light

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:32 PM
It sounds great, but so many people are way too addicted to hate and violence. I fear peace will always be out of reach. But again it sounds great.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:37 PM
Right on friend.
Today is actually the last cycle of the mayan calendar, the cycle of unity.
So hopefully more than just a few feel the positive vibes.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Show them love they never seen
and destruction after
If the love confuses them
Have some tea with laughter
If the loves ignored
adjust spiritual plane
for casting purposes
only 1c not again

Vibrations up

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Tolerance of what?

I simply cannot tolerate the idea of puppies and ice cream cones falling from the sky for everyone to enjoy as the OP seems to believe is possible.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Angelicdefender2012

I like this approach.

This should be an every day thing. It's not wussy, or new-agey or anything like that. Its about being happy with what you have, and being happy that you are alive. EVERY DAY.
Some days you get something accomplished, some days, you dont really do anything. But at any rate, you should look around at what you DO have, and look around at the people that share life with you.

I think alot of the world's problems have stemmed from the fact that people want too much, they expect too much. The worse part of it, is the ones that feel entitled, without responsibility.
Life is very simple. It's not about ipads, or computers or Lexus cars or name brand clothing. Keeping up with the jones's has ruined our society. people have forgotten about contentment.

Sit outside, have a drink, have some good conversation with friends and turn on some music. Thats what life is about. Not these things that bind you, that our capitalist society has put into place to control you.

Religion controls you, being close to whatever you think is a higher power-without dogma-sets you free.

Items...merchandise, control you. Having what you need, and not the silly things you may want, will set you free.
It's hard to break away from the thinking that has been implanted into your mind since you were born. But do you have clothes to keep you warm? Do you have shelter from the weather? Do you have food to eat?
If the answer is yes to these questions, then everything else is just a bonus, and should be appreciated. I appreciate my car, my computer, my radio, my musical instruments....but these things are blessings, and should be treated as such.

So many people just need a little push to change. Everyone should try to live without buying something thats not required to live for a year. Modest clothes, food, and shelter. Youd be surprised at what you might discover when youre not fiddling with gadgets, or working too much/too hard to afford your swanky car payment.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by HaveAnotherOne

Well CAREBEARS with ultra dimensional draining devices on their chest are pretty cool.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Angelicdefender2012
These are very trying times for humanity. Instead of sitting around and complaining about all the things that are being done to us and the all conspiracies against us. Lets band together for a no-tolerance policy. Let us designate ONE WHOLE DAY to loving each other, life and being positive! I think it will have a serious impact!

Truly the only way to effectively combat negativity and deceitfulness is through the pure LOVE energy! This emanates more power than you can possibly imagine! ( The power of Love is virtually unstoppable and what miracles are made) If we are going to survive thrive and flourish in this environment...we must harness our energy and direct it towards HOPE and being POSITIVE and not gloom and doom and feeling as though we are being defeated and there's nothing we can do.

You dividing us into classifications of religions, tribes, politics...etc creates conflict! And this is how these SOB's are winning!!! What the crap would they do if they woke up one morning and there was no more fighting? No more divisions of religions and ethnicities? (okay a little Utopia...but)

We are giving them power and playing right into their hands with all this revolting and conflict. Don't you see they want us to fight! They would not what to do with themselves if Christians, Muslims and all other religions came together in the name of peace....even if its just for a day!! What do you say???? Are you in??

Have the Best Day EVER; Love and Light

Your message is certainly in the right direction. It isn't the silver bullet though. Love without action is just a word.

When people have had enough of the hate and division to the point that they are ready to take action by going out and uniting, when they love enough to liberate all from the bonds of servitude to Priest Classes and Governments, when they love enough to heal one another and work together as a free people, when they love enough to give their very lives to the liberation of Mankind, when they love enough to give without expectation of reward, embrace without casting judgement, THEN will the times of tribulation cease.

Until then, sitting at home tending to one's own worldly desires will do nothing but bring even greater struggles for mankind. Love will remain but a misunderstood word.

Remember, no one divided mankind except for mankind themselves. No one will unite mankind but mankind themselves. The division is merely an illusion created by Man, for Man.

Excellent message though, and thank you for keeping everyone focused on the objective.

I am always in!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 07:47 AM
Compassion for ones fellow human beings and world should be daily practice... The world would be much better off..

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:50 PM
this power of love video inspires me lots

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