posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah
MUWHAHAHAHA, I get to lead my very own cult!! _javascript:icon('
') (Alright, enough with the creepiness, let's get down to business!)
First, I would invite them into my ship for a giant house-party. After all of our primitive friends are hopelessly wasted, I will proceed to give
them make-overs so that they look like incarnations of Ziggy Stardust. Then I will charge them taxes on their caves and offer them upgrades at
"reasonable" prices. Hell, I'll even give them discounts on lava lamps and shag rugs.
I will create a religion very similar to Scientology, only Tom Cruise shall be our one and only true God! All members will be required to don
tin-foil hats and speak in Klingon. _javascript:icon('
') I will teach them the ways of South Park and Family Guy, and laugh as their puny little
world descends into madness. The only diseases they will have are "Bieber-Fever" (A strange infection that causes one to suddenly act like a
pretty-boy, have a auto-tuned voice and the urge to sing about lonely girls.) and "Twilight-itis" (The victim fawns over anyone will pale skin and
sharp teeth and may or may not have dollar signs for eyes.)
Finally, I will fix my space-ship, record my experiences and sell them in a book called "I Was God For a Day" and watch as the enlightening
experiences are mass-produced and left to rot in bargain bins.
Welcome to the Future that never was, we're all oblivious here! _javascript:icon('