posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie
Racist's exist in all groups, period end of subject. There are Black Racists, White Racists, Hispanic Racists, Democrat Racists, Republican Racists
and yes even Tea Party Racists, but they are the exception not the rule in any group. To however label all members of a group based on a tiny minority
of its members is not only dishonest, it is something only a bad person would do. It's made even worse because Race Baiters know what they are saying
is not true at the time they say it. It's just a propaganda tool to keep us at each others throats. We are not all stupid enough to fall for it.
When I was young for instance, the KKK was comprised primarily of Democrats in the South and that is why the Democrats voted against Civil Rights and
the Republicans came to the rescue. Most Democrats were Pro-Life then. Secularists were outcasts in both Parties. The world changes.
The Parties change over time, passing traits back and forth, throwing accusations at each other to keep us separated and to stop us from joining
together, so they can control us.
All of this goes away from the whole point of this thread. That an organization that is accepting tax payer money, only represents one point of view
and is in fact a propaganda tool. I have zero issue with NPR continuing through private funding. People who do not subscribe to the political party
that obviously controls them, should not have there monies taken from them. If their listeners and the DNC are not willing to give them the money they
need, what good are they anyway?
Why are people who like NPR so scared of loosing tax funding? How hard is it to take out your checkbook and mail them a check, because if you're not
willing, NPR should not exist.
The point here was not to debate about any group of people, but to show that NPR is not being honest about who and what they are. They are lying so
they don't loose taxpayer monies. That is hardly a secret.
As to the Race Baiting. For shame! Labeling millions of innocent people who just want better government is so wrong, it's hard not to call it evil.
Knowing Slander is a terrible thing. I think at times it is now so bad that people think the elections are a football game. So brainwashed by one of
the Parties they no longer think anymore for themselves. People have become willing to crucify others with lies and innuendo just so their team can