posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 01:19 PM
Hello, I've been reading this board for a while now, but i've never introduced myself. I'm from Knoxville(Knoxvegas) Tennessee. I've been
interested in conspiracies for most of my life. I enjoy reading what I like to call alternative history. I've read several books by Hancock, Sitchin
and Marrs. I've also read some of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail type books. I certainly don't consider myself an expert on anything though. I always
try to keep an open mind to everything. My quest is to find the truth. I try to do this by understanding the people who made history, as well as the
people who wrote it. I believe that the only way to understand history is to understand the perspective of the people writing it. Anyways, that's why
i'm here.