posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I just get into trouble linking things on this site -
So I will use this site/post to provoke thought and engage your opinion.
Is American Justice Broke ? was the question poised to me weeks ago, after reviewing
several cases of American Justice Failures notibly targeted issues were those of
conspiracy involving or primary suspect was a government agency.
Instead of addressing the crime and pursuing the criminals a courous responses which
says "We Know - But what are you going to do about it". emerged. A protect the
Establishment at all costs. is it Broke or just Standing Down... now, if it is being ordered
to stand down ... Why ? on a all together different tract - Follow the UN and there ability
to try war criminals... and now we have Rumsfeld and Bush under inditement or close to
it for War Crimes... interesting huh.... Ok, now what
better event to leave evidence strewn about to point to uncle sam than 911 ....
and uncle sam refuses to investigate. instead it points towards Arabs who did
nothing to America and proceeds to conquer them. at the same time it passes
laws that are illegal in this country... you can not do away with the supreme law of the
land without a coup deta. Ok, now since America refuses to prosecute 911 case - how
about the world demanding a investigation into 911 and a world court tries Rumsfeld and Bush ...
Cheney he wont make it. (So if you have something to say to Mr. Cheney you'd better say it now)
hell is shortly in his future, he literally does not have a heart. ok, now this world court finds America
Guilty --- ok now that Russian Scientist comes into the picture - he says they are going to break America up.... ok, that would be Germany 1945. what
happend... Nurmberg and then America gets rebuilt and no more for the people and by the people .... but a despotic world regime becomes legal. let me
here your comments - opinions - likelyhoods ...