posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson
Society as we know it is Going to Collapse
The world has been ending since it began. like all things, what goes up, must someday come down.
Well, at least in this universe, anyway.
Civilization may well be in a death spiral; the toilet of time has been flushed and our next stop? The septic tank of extinction.
No matter where you turn these days, there is a theory... some old, some new, some borrowed and modified, that all end in some catastrophic collapse
or a new age of love and enlightenment.
Well, guess what? I don't really care anymore. If the world is gonna end... there's nothing that I can, as one person, do about it so why worry
myself into the grave any sooner? If it is just society as we know it, that's fine too because things have just about run their course as it is.
On the night of 20 December 2012, at the stroke of high midnight, i plan to have a party to celebrate either survival or the passing of this
existence. Like Y2K, we'll all have a great time and go out to watch the planes falling from the sky, Jesus riding in on a white horse and Nibiru as
it swings in to clean the surface of the Earth so it can all begin again.
If there is a world to wake up to on the morning of the 21st, there will be a hangover to remind me just how stupid it all was and to sober up before
New Year's Eve in 10 days.
That's how I see it