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All this 2012 nonsense!

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posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Isnt it sad how we humans can be so easily roped into believing anything, especially when the media pushes it, exact date for the end of the world,global warming, evolution, etc, etc, etc.For those that do not know hollywood has actually made 2012 into a movie called - 2012:doomsday.

Just goes to prove this is all just a scam to make money. It seems like a lot of astrologers are even playing into it, writing articles about certain “rare” astrological alignments in 2012, even trying to link it with the completely unrelated notion of the “Age of Aquarius” and generally helping to feed the hysteria.
Though the Mayan calender does stop right then,its not because they thought thats when they thought the world would end. In fact, they believed it would be when humanity would enter a higher level of conciousness. However, we are just dealing with beliefs.Seriously though, what’s wrong with people? I walked into a bookshop the other day and there was an entire bookcase that was literally packed with different books on 2012.
a number of different speculations have been put forward about the significance of 2012. Here are a few popular theories about what will happen in 2012:

There will be pole shift.

Aliens invade earth and enslave humanity (à la X-Files)

An asteroid or comet will hit the Earth.

A global spiritual awakening/shift in consciousness will take place.

The end of the world will occur in some form or another.

Planet X/Niburu will swing into orbit and take out Earth/reestablish human contact with aliens.

Don’t feed the hysteria people. If you run into someone who is convinced that something is going to happen in 2012, then either sit down and try to talk some sense into them, as you would a small child who is afraid of the dark, or just nod your head and back away very slowly.

They've been saying the worlds going to end in 2000,2004,2006,2007....

edit on 5-3-2011 by CandiceZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:54 PM
Do you really need two threads exactly the same on this?

Although I agree with you.
Also you mean astronomers not astrologers.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by pazcat

I posted the first thread in the wrong catagory but dont know how to delete it.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by CandiceZ
Ok as my post and the last posters post was deleted probably because the thread was moved to the different section, OP, i think your gonna have to come up with something better than " 2012 is a load of pants and you lot will believe anything" . I have a strong gut feeling ( along with a lot of people) that SOMETHING, will happen next year or even this year, but i cannot speculate on what that will be unfortunatly, however there are some practical genius's who post on the 2012 forum who will give you food for thought.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by CandiceZ
reply to post by pazcat

I posted the first thread in the wrong catagory but dont know how to delete it.

Ah, i see, thats what happened.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by CandiceZ

Doesn´t this belong in the Rant forum?

Seems like trolling to put it here in the 2012 section, wich is here for openly discussing 2012.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Hear, hear OP.

Although I will look to Dec 20th 2012 as a great night to get laid.

Did the same on June 31st 1999 after Nostradamus prediction was laid to rest. And again when Y2K came knocking.

I suggest the hot-blooded males to do the same. Come the 21st Dec 2012 I will be sitting in my living room, having a coffee and wondering if Chelsea are gonna blow their Premier League Title chances again.

I'm getting fed up with listening to this kack, it's not even funny no more. Still, if the "people" believe it will happen. I say the hell with it. No matter what we or do is going to convince them. If anything "major" does happen... It'll be probably the mass suicide from cults around the world who believe this tripe that will hit the headlines, not an imaginary planet with a ridiculous orbit or the improbability of a polar shift.


I will make this prediction....

I see myself... On Dec 25th 2012... Having turkey with my family... Up to my neck in wrapping paper... And watching the Christmas Episode of Dr Who.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 03:08 PM
you already have a thread with this title here


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