I tell you one thing obese people pay for two seat on an airplane but Butt holes should also pay double. I am sick and tired of the stuffy business
man whining at me for saying, that's my seat sir. Next time I will say if you wanted the seat pay for it prick, thank you come again and I will see
you in hell son with uncle Luci.
I don't understand why planes are allowed to fly over my property and put my life in danger if they should crash. Shouldn't the air above my home
belong to me too?
Oh, and about fat people on planes - They should make seats for larger people and seats for smaller people. You're not paying for the amount of space
you consume on the plane. You're paying to be transported from one place to another. The airlines have always known there are big people and small
people. It's not the fat guy's fault they didn't make a seat he fits in.
Should a child be charged extra for the space they're wasting?
This is really a moot point, because you people WILL DO whatever the Corporation tells you to do...and YOU WILL pay whatever the Corporation TELLS you
to pay. So sit your fat arse on your gravy stained couch and watch the Corporate propaganda and shut up! Look at you all standing in line to be felt
up by TSA goons or chewin your cud and walking into a tetrahertz TSA body scanner that will unzip your very DNA. And your worried about how much you
have to pay? Shut up and bend over and spread your cheeks for the cavity search! What a bunch of BEOTCHES!
Airlines should just change to pay/pound. Fair for everybody.
As to the OP's pic, how did that not get changed due to safety issues? It's is my understanding that the isle must be clear during the safety
As for the comment about where larger people get moved for weight distribution...(I may not be 100% on this) between the wings and in the center
(minimizes the effect on the plane in flight).