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Why do people in America like to think they're better than everyone else?

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posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:08 PM
I would first like to say before anyone accuses me of having an anti-American bias that I am American myself. I would also like to say that I have been experiencing some cognitive dissonance over here based on what I've been taught about my own country and what I actually see going on. Everyone here likes to think that we're the capital of diversity, and, that we're so great and so much better than everyone else. In the end, almost everyone I know talks about how different Europe is, how backwards the Mexican culture is compared to us, how Asians are bad drivers, how old people suck, and what not. They always think they're better than them.

Has it occurred to these people how shallow they really are? How can you make a whole generalization about almost all the people in a single culture about something like that? I really don't understand how people can do this and just act like they're so ultra-progressive, but they're really not! I try to be tolerant of other people and if I don't agree with something or don't like something I'll speak out on it and I'll say something, but, I won't generalize a whole group of people just because of some bad actors that get everyone else's attention. What's up with this?

And, I know just not to be hypocritical-- NOT ALL AMERICANS THINK THIS, AND THERE ARE AMERICANS THAT ARE REALLY TOLERANT. BUT A LOT OF PEOPLE HERE THINK THIS WAY. It's not about stereotyping other people that's the problem. The problem is that they think that they're better than everyone else, and, that's what really bugs me.

+25 more 
posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I think if you were born in a different country or culture, you would find those thoughts are NOT limited to Americans..

I'm not going to name countries or cultures because that will start silly debate but from my many travels I can comfortably state Americans are not the only ones that think they are better than the rest..

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Short answer: Because they have been taught by the main stream media a.k.a. The US propaganda machine, that they are.

But as you saw recently, Hillary Clinton has admitted, that is now failing. Americans are starting to come out of the fog.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by backinblack

Perhaps you are right. Maybe I might have been brainwashed by the media to think that this only happens to Americans and not to people in other cultures. A lot of the European cultures do the same to the Roma people.. but I didn't realize that it could extend further and beyond that. The media hides bad things about our allies so we think that they're so much more tolerant than we are, and, we're a bunch of racist thugs. Why does the media generate this self-hating image?


reply to post by larrydavid

Very true. A lot of it is probably propaganda.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:21 PM
very soon everyone in the world including americans will wake upp and find out that america is nothing but a sham

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35


Now I have a lot of friends who are from the United States, and they are very tolerant people. Having said that, I've also been in France where a bunch of people form the United States tried to take over a restaurant, demanding better than usual service and complaining that no one spoke English because "they were Americans, g*&mmit! And Americans speak English, so so should you." So I've seen the good and the bad, as with any other culture with which I am familiar.

But, can I let you in on a pet peeve? If you're Amercian, then so am I. I was born, and live, in Canada, which is in North America. As is Mexico. And we both know there's a host of other countries who live in one or another region of the Americas. The co-opting of the word Amercian is just so .... American, lol! I, from the outside, just see it as a very verbose form of national pride. Other than that, I suspect you're just like the rest of us, with tolerant and intolerant people combining to make an interesting mix.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:25 PM
What events caused you you come to the conclusion that Americans think we are better than others?

My thoughts have never gone that way.

I do envy the Germans, British and actually most all people of all countries.

The people I have a problem with are any people that can not feed themselves and continue to have babies like door steps. I am trying to understand how a woman can have a suckling child and 4 more sitting around her and they are hungry and sick.

I am ashamed to say these type of people seem like mindless, stupid animals and not human.

It's a poor attitude but hopefully I will find some compassion for the baby factories.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

That's probably out of the control of those poor women. Male dominated societies, hormones, no birth control, very little else to spend there time doing after the kids are asleep, everyone else has lots of babies, products of their culture...

Don't worry, a certain software mogul is funding R&D on a vaccine which will solve their disease issues but with the added bonus of solving their overpopulation problem too. (but there are other threads on that topic to read/rant about)

edit on 4-3-2011 by primus2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Not all Americans do. People like me don't mind marrying a girl from another country. Or making friends with someone from another. As a matter of fact I would rather be with someone from another country then an American female. On the terms they know how to treat their men better. And know what it is to be a woman.

Women in this country want to be men. And it just don't work.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Why do people in America like to think they're better than everyone else?

The title in and of itself, is a study in irony. Hidden bias, buried in one's sub-conscious. I would hazard that we all have a little of this, but lest we forget what happens to those who throw stones at glass houses... beware your words and what they say about the writer. These United States of America, a country in The Americas = two entire continents.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I was born and raised in America and I hated everything about it. EVERYTHING. I hated the people in my school, I hated the culture, I hated the "values". And hence why I don't live there anymore. For the most part, yes, Many Americans are totally ignorant of other countries and cultures. Perhaps it was my travels since I was a kid that made me see that the world does not revolve around America, and that there are better things out there. Only one third of Americans have passports, and even less have even traveled abroad. Kids don't travel the world like Europeans do after high school, they go to the beach and get drunk. They tend not to know anything about world politics for the most part. They don't have much interest except for pursuing the "American Dream" (high school , college, work, retire, die). There are exceptions, but my experience throughout my childhood and early adult life was horrible. I could not identify myself with most Americans.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

Oy vey. I know you're not the first person to point that out in this topic. But it does have merit and is another topic that is worthy of a discussion. Why do we think we're America when there are all these other countries in the Western hemisphere that bore the description of being in a continent in America? Maybe that's what you get for naming the country the United States of America, and not just the United States :\.

Also, other people have seem to met more tolerant people in this country. Maybe I am just living around intolerant people. But I am living in a blue-state and blue-states (I live in Maryland) are supposed to be tolerant right? So I just feel that it's weird for my state to be so intolerant when it's supposed to be pretty progressive as far as states come.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Because we are.

Second line

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Well to me the concept and inception/creation of the U.S. and its ideals are very noble. We as a nation, broke away from a greedy monarchy (whom treated everyone not royalty like.....well like trash.) We rose up and became the worlds most powerful nation. One in which everyone envied and migrated here for a chance at a better life. And they built it on the American Dream. Be proud of that and do not crap on the memory of those pioneers and everyone who has faught to defend the basis of our existance....your existance and freedom.

The world would be a much different place if it wasnt for the founding of the U.S. This was necessary to take civilization to the next level where all are created equals and everyone as a human should be afforded the same opportunity.

Now comes the next step....where we leave the greed aspect of that behind and start thinking on a more humanity big picture thought paradigm. This is the transition that we are making folks... Out with greed and individual and focusing more on the unit... What is good for the group..

Thats the key next step IMO in our enlightenment...

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by LoverBoy
Because we are.

Second line

lol, patriotism is fine...
I;m sure that's what you mean..

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Everyone here likes to think that we're the capital of diversity, and, that we're so great and so much better than everyone else. ...They always think they're better than them.
How can you make a whole generalization about almost all the people in a single culture about something like that?

I just thought that was funny.

I don't know where you are from, or how traveled within the US you are, but I don't know if this idea you propose is truth. I have been all around the US and overall think I that things are just the opposite of what you say. The exception to this is that a majority think that America is the better country than others, and this is based off of the type of government, ideas, rights and values upon which the nation was created.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
Out with greed and individual and focusing more on the unit... What is good for the group..

I think that what you suggest is opposed to the concept America stands for. When the individual is free and allowed to prosper, the whole is better for it. Contrary, when the whole is made to a defined standard, the individual suffers.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Perhaps you are right. Maybe I might have been brainwashed by the media to think that this only happens to Americans and not to people in other cultures. A lot of the European cultures do the same to the Roma people.. but I didn't realize that it could extend further and beyond that. The media hides bad things about our allies so we think that they're so much more tolerant than we are, and, we're a bunch of racist thugs. Why does the media generate this self-hating image?

That is easy because it sells and they make money. The same reason Fox News spreads fear.

I think a lot of countries think they are better then anyone else, and then there are those that think other countries are way better then they are. For example Mexico and Haiti they think America is awesome, but in reality they find a bunch of intolerance and racism. The biggest trick of them all is that Americans think they have it made even though they are treated just as badly by there own people.

I have often thought I would rather live somewhere like England, but I know people from there that say it isn't any better then America. I think I would much rather have my own Island like Marlon Brando and declare my independence from the world lol

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
But I am living in a blue-state and blue-states (I live in Maryland) are supposed to be tolerant right? So I just feel that it's weird for my state to be so intolerant when it's supposed to be pretty progressive as far as states come.

That's the hypocrisy of liberalism or blue states. I think that for such groups, ideas are easy to latch onto and campaign on, but putting into practice and living out those ideas for them never materializes. It comes off as more of a feel good/look good thing. From personal experience, this is most noticeable with redistribution of wealth. I have had liberal friends tell me flat out that they think everyone should be taxed and that money spread out to those less fortunate, and when I pointed out the fact that they already have the freedom to redistribute their wealth to the less fortunate without imposing such redistribution it on others, was told they don't want to do it unless everyone has to do it.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Firstly let me say that I view the citizens of the United States as no different from the folks of most developed countries - just honest to goodness, hard working folks trying to make their way in a world of fog. That fog however does not extend to your Politicians. American Politicians are arrogant and brash and whilst I can't defintively say they are ignorant and uninformed of the facts surrounding policy issues - they appear to be. That arrogance from politicians does not translate well on the international stage and unfortunately citizens of other nations view it as an 'trait of the United States' (Which of course it is not - It's an United States Political Trait).

May I give some small examples? The release of the Lockerbie Bomber from prison in Scotland understandably caused a lot of upset in the USA - What was the USA's response? They tried to summon Scottish Ministers to answer for it before a Senate Committee - WHAT? A foreign sovereign nation makes a decision based on it's law and jurisdiction and yet the USA thinks it's Ministers are answerable to a Senate committee and should jump on the first plane from Edinburgh and head for Washington to explain themselves? Fortunately the Scots let the USA know where to go, whilst also pointing out that in every fatal 'friendly fire' incident, which saw British servicemen die accidentally due to USA gunfire - America has consistently prohibited the USA troops responsible from giving evidence at the inquest into their deaths. No one was trying to apportion blame, no one was or even is trying to accuse the USA troops of any wrongdoing - but when someone dies it has to be explained before the law and to the satisfaction of the families of the bereaved - something the USA consistently prevents from happening. As the USA has continually pointed out - 'Our troops are not answerable to a foreign inquest' and yet you have the gall to demand our Ministers appear in Washington to answer for policy decisions? It's this kind of hypocrisy from the top which infuriates foreign nationals and give the USA a bad name. Unfortunately.


edit on 4-3-2011 by Ozscot because: Typo

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