posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Originally posted by caladonea
I have not used a microwave oven for 10 years and at least 75% of my food intake is not processed but whole natural foods. I believe that I am
healthier because I do these things.
Awesome!!! Good for you. Looking around on ATS we find lots of good info warning of the perils of the typical modern diet. Simply horrible. Fast
foods, processed foods, chemicals, preservatives, ingredients that kills lab animals, ingredients that will do who knows what 20 years from now.
Tastes great, all that crap does. Cheap, too. Immediate gratification. No thought required. No work involved. As long as one has no self-respect for
their body, does not mind resembling a farm animal in size and feeling like ecch all the time. And I doubt it adds years to the life span.
I just recently started back on The Road to Wellville, and I'm so happy I finally got my head in the right place. Finally got sick and tired...of
being sick and tired. Can't take it any more.
Long ago I ate well, only fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, rice, beans, nuts. Water and juice. I was thin as a rail, my clothes looked great on me, I
felt awesome. Looking forward to getting that back. Strangely enough, one of the things that finally made me change my attitude was a comment Brian,
the dog on Family Guy, said in an episode the other night about a "white trash diet". Leave it to a talking dog to give you a new perspective on