I see on ATS and across the country, people taking political sides and stances, when in all reality they have nothing in common with the people that
represent them, and more in common with the people they are fighting, or arguing with. Talk about blind.
When will people wake up, and actually realize they have nothing in common with the politicians that represent them, well at least the majority of
people. Politicians are bought and paid for by Lobbyists and Large Corporations , thus making them devoid of party lines.
In the USA, most politicians are millionaires, to get elected they need millions and to stay in office they need millions.
These are people with expense accounts, government credit cards and the ability to not show up for work if they choose.
Did anyone know or even realize that politicians, in the USA, get to keep their campaign war chest? Well they do, so when they leave office all the
millions of dollars they collected for benefit dinners, and anything related to campaigning is theirs.
Also they can spend 4 years in office and collect full pensions, and full medical, with Dental and Optical. Where do I sign up?
Did anyone also know that they can have multiple careers, as a politician, serving 4 year terms and collect multiple pensions? Well they can and many
Now let’s look at reality, our world the private sector.
Pension’s? – LOL, these died years ago, and do not exist anymore, if they do how stable are they from defaulting from corporate incompetence, or
hostile take over’s.
Full Medical? - while working or even retiring, LOL again, not in the real world and most definitely not when people retire these days.
Part-time? – This exists in our world, but the pay is slightly different and benefits package is non-existent.
I was looking for a job online just the other day and guess what I found?
Seeking experience or appearance of an experienced person:
Only one qualification: Part-time BS’er,
Full Benefits, Company credit-card, expense account, full medical, dental, optical and at the end of your 4 years you will be able to collect a full
pension. Any money you collect campaigning you’ll get to keep and the end of your job.
Unfortunately, the position only pays between $50,000.00 and $350,000 US depending on your position.
If you actually know someone already working in the company we’ll consider higher pay, and/or a new job position created just for you.
Resumes may be needed, but if you do not have one just make something up that looks official, and can be distorted by the media if questioned.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)