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9/11 ruined America, from the inside out!

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posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:27 PM
9/11 didn't break our collective spirit, it made us stronger... and weaker. We wanted to fight the elusive Bin Laden and some just wanted to find the truth, or who to trust in all this; where will our leaders take us or do we need to revolt? How did 9/11 affect our resources and services in America.

So... what actually happened after 9/11?

our defense spending increased...

Wikipedia: Defense spending trends with original source as Department of Defense.

Having the wars and confusion and mistrust, we allowed ourselves to be walked on... we didn't fight back when our tax money got used to bailout wall street or Harley Davidson, we didn't fight back when our government killed Planned Parenthood and in the same month voted to keep funding a NASCAR team! Our Federal Reserve is using fiat money and literally stealing trillions of dollars, something like $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in America is MISSING, yet we don't fight back.

The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, all ove the world actually are draining our nation in resources, in the value of our dollar, and in the worst way draining our spirit to stand up and fight because our tax money is not being used for what WE choose.

Am I right? How has 9/11 affected you? What has changed in our country, in our world since that day?

We have innumerable threads on whether it was an inside job or not, please respect the connotation of the thread and try and keep basically to:
"9/11 ruined America" and,
"How has it affected 'x'"

I made the focus of this thread "America" but certainly welcome input from anyone who has an opinion.

edit on 4-3-2011 by Thermo Klein because: resized picture

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:37 PM
I personally think that since 9/11 America has become weaker and more spineless than ever! A few decades ago there was a slight mistrust by some people but generally people trusted the government was helping us and doing things in the peoples' best interest - I think that has been lost.

It has created a slippery slope where the average person is less likely to trust our media, stories like the FDA recalling 500 drugs because THEY DIDN'T TEST THEM come as no big surprise because we lost the faith that our government is there for us.

When we had a problem with Homeland "Security" doing naked body scans what happened... Mooo.... Moo... just let me go on my vacation and get it over with! A few people held up signs.

edit on 4-3-2011 by Thermo Klein because: typo central!!

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:40 PM
I bet most of that dough, and oh, I dont know, maybe some of those trillions of dollars that went missing went to fund some crazy black technology army for the new world. Kind of scary.

Is it also a coincidence how all the people who claimed to have ET contacts stopped being contacted after 911? I think its all much bigger than we can even imagine. Were still arguing if UFOs are real, we're in over our heads peoples. Wake uppp

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:42 PM
People still believe Bin Laden did all this? 9-11 is dead in the water at this point. There's overwhelming evidence disproving the official story, MSM can legally lie and say it's all true, sheeple will be sheeple and not look into it further. Same with the JFK con, Fluoride, chemtrails, etc. It goes on and on and it always ends up in the same places, buried under a huge pile of disinfo.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:44 PM
I quite agree. If you added the real cost of defense spending to that chart for 2011 it would go off the chart at somewhere around $1.2 Trillion. -
We CANNOT afford this!
Why are we allowing this to happen?
Why don't we take to the streets or are just not as courageous as our middle eastern and north African brethren?
Our National Defense budget is so overwhelming there is only one logical conclusion I can draw from it: that we are planning to begin more wars. As if 2 already weren't enough.
We took a wrong turn after 9/11, a very wrong turn. We had the sympathy of the entire world and now we have their animosity.
I don't blame them.
Anyone with such a mad obsession with weapons and control would make a very dangerous neighbor.
The world thinks we're nuts and I agree.
Both parties have led us into this mess and the only way out to eliminate them from government.
Better ballots than bullets but that is a choice our leaders will decide, not us.
You cannot expect a dying animal to not writhe in agony, it will bite the thing closest to it.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by iversusvsversusi

I disagree with the UFO part of this and feel it's on the increase actually, but...

I completely agree we need to WAKE UP!!

YouTube: Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up (wanna get in the mood to stand up for what's right!? Listen to this while you read)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
People still believe Bin Laden did all this? 9-11 is dead in the water at this point. There's overwhelming evidence disproving the official story, MSM can legally lie and say it's all true, sheeple will be sheeple and not look into it further. Same with the JFK con, Fluoride, chemtrails, etc. It goes on and on and it always ends up in the same places, buried under a huge pile of disinfo.

Agreed. Has 9/11 changed our culture or resources more than the general lackadaisical weakness?

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

"Ruined" America? I think that may be a little too far of course. Negative impacts? Absolutely, no doubt about it. But I think we, as a nation, are very good a self correction, if not a little slower sometimes than may be desired.

9/11 called for, among other things, an appropriate military response. It has not been perfect, by any stretch of the imagination but I think the general course was initially admirable. However, time has shown that we are not very good a protracted engagements. There is no doubt that 9/11 has cost us dearly and the long term benefits may not, if at all, be clear for a long time. I would suggest that the current spate of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa may be somewhat related, if not prompted by our involvement in the Middle East. We may yet benefit from those changes, it is much too difficult to determine at this point.

We have been changed, but I don't think ruined.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:48 PM

we lost the faith that our government is there for us.

I think what has been more devastating than the above statement is when many people figured out, they never were there for us.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Klassified because: punctuation

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Klassified

we lost the faith that our government is there for us.

I think what has been more devastating than the above statement is when many people figured out they never were there for us.

I remember as a Republican kid I had this crazy relative I wasn't really allowed to be around much - he was an awesome guy looking back but he was a hippie and called our government as it is. My parents were just as tied into the illusion as most people are now.
Now I'm 40 and I'M the hippie

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

My old man still is to some degree. But he's come a long way from where he used to be.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:13 PM
I'm trying to decide if 9/11 and the resultant re-directed war money has actually had an impact on things like housing, healthcare, education... did 9/11 cause anything different than say just some other war-mongoring administration.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:18 PM
The U.S. is succumbing to what every great nation or society has to face eventually – social entropy. Every social structure, society, or empire will eventually decompose. History teaches us that.

9/11 might have sped up the process though.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

I remember as a Republican kid I had this crazy relative I wasn't really allowed to be around much - he was an awesome guy looking back but he was a hippie and called our government as it is. My parents were just as tied into the illusion as most people are now.
Now I'm 40 and I'M the hippie

First, lets just say I'm a little older than you and know a little about "hippies". There is a distinct taste difference between the government distrust in the 60's and the 70's and the sometimes almost rabid paranoia that we are starting to see today. "Hippies" were inclined to generally distrust those in direct authority but today there seems to be a growing trend to assume anyone wearing a uniform or collecting a civil service check is capable of almost any kind of atrocity. The 1969 hippy that may "shy" away from a uniformed cop would not pick up a gun to repel a worker from the Department of Agriculture trying to conduct a scientific survey, for instance. And in the context of 9/11 there appears to be a disturbing turn wherein anyone connected with any level of government, directly or indirectly, is rebuttably presumed to be capable of mass murder. This is not "hippy", This is just generally disturbing.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:36 PM
All governments are protection rackets. All wars are less than worthless. Soldiers are the most pathetic victims of history and no war ever has ever made the world a better place.

Civilization is cursed. The problem is that civilization requires a hierarchy. Hierarchy means an elite class will take over the reins of political power. People, and I mean all of us, no matter how smart, charismatic or strong are prone to emotional/mental problems as well as stupidity.

So, our elites, our leaders, our 'geniuses' are just as messed up as the rest of us.

Since 911 I have learned not to trust history books, academia, the government, clergy, civil authorities, the law, scientific scholars, the media and the entertainment industry. Neither do I trust what I learn on the internet.

911 was just another day. There was a statistical blip in terms of a momentary increase in murder but that is all.

Nothing has changed. Nothing changes but the date on the calender.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Deuteronomy 23:13
Since 911 I have learned not to trust history books, academia, the government, clergy, civil authorities, the law, scientific scholars, the media and the entertainment industry. Neither do I trust what I learn on the internet.

This rings true. 9/11 did not ruin America, it ruined its inhabitants' trust in themselves. For too long have Americans put their trust in the nation. No more.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 02:12 PM
9/11, as I have observed has done two things to America.

It went to show that most American people were/are so wrapped up in themselves that they have become delusional in what they choose to believe and not believe about the future of there country, and as long as nothing threatens them personally...things will go on as "usual"...Unity has suffered, if it ever really existed.

The government was able to prove to the rest of the world just how gullible the sub-humans (how the elite see us) they "have power over lost their indignation very quickly. Unlike the attack on Pearl Harbor (which there was at least 24 hour notice known by the government) 9/11 worked out great for Big Business and Government.

It does appear to have achieved the purpose it was engineered for. To make most of the American Citizens even more passive towards the ideas of war (which has been so sterilized, most see it as nothing important) and manipulation of other countries for the purposes of TPTB.

Money, Oil, Death, Destruction = Change

This is what was voted into office...WAKE UP PEOPLE!

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

I play guitar, smoke pot every chance I get and I don't make much money. I consider myself a hippy. Things in the 60's were very much worse than what they are today for america at least in terms of war casualities.

A lot of the people who called themselves hippies (and then later freaks) were just a bunch of spoiled upper middle class white kids who were going along with the fashion of the time. They only wanted to get high and get sex so they made the scene. A lot of those same 'rebels' of the 60's ended up voting for Reagan, listening to Rush Limbaugh and buying books written by the likes of Ann Coulter and Bill O'Really.

The counterculture actually hurt the anti war effort by making war protesters look like snotty, spoiled college kids; guilt by association.

There have always been hippies. They used to be called bohemians and basically they are people who lose respect for the political systems and cultural values so they just drop out. Who can blame them?

The so called counter culture of the 60's were nought but a lot of feckless bums with little or no taste in music.

I was around then. I did go on peace marches and I also went to peace demonstrations. I saw the MC5 back in 68.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Greed, corruption, injustice and murder are the price of civilization. Pretty much what: Hamlet, Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace,..., and a lot of other timeless stories are about.

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