Hello, this isn't meant to be taken as an in-depth analysis but just an in-depth observation that I would like to share with you all. If you would
like to contribute anything please feel free to share. This is not a conspiracy as much as a reality. There are wealthy individuals/families that
invest in basic world necessities like oil, food, water, and other resources. Why? Well, it sells.
"The Cabal" is a term I have given a powerful group of mainly European and American families that make the majority of these investments. Most, if
not all of them, owe their wealth and power from the past explotation of developing or "native" nations. It works like this:
A corporation that wants a more convinient way to do business will find resources in an undeveloped country. They will then go "the Cabal" or
representatives of the Cabal and pitch their proposal.
If "The Cabal" like it, they will loan the corporation money to build the infastructure needed to get the resources from the countries. Eventually,
they Cabal expects a return for their investment. PLEASE WATCH THE BELOW VIDEO
www.youtube.com... (Video on Mutant Capitalism. 2 minutes Long)
I will explain why we are now living in a very dangerous world. This Mutant Capitalism is going to backfire. The Cabal, or elite capitalists, are
going to underestimate one of these leaders in the Arab world. This Arab leader is not stupid, quite the contrary, he is very cunning, and has waited
for the capitalists to build the infastructure in these middle eastern countries. Now that the infastructure for these places is fairly advanced, he
is inspiring middle eastern countries to overthrow their leaders that are largely puppets for the corporate interests of the Cabal.
Predictions in the next Two Decades Based on the Above:
1. Any new governments in the middle east will increasingly become anti-western.
2. The "terrorists" are miserable, suffering people who see no way out other than to "take back" from the Western world that they view has invaded
their homeland and stolen their resources. Fundamentalist Islam will seem more attractive than ever. Unfortunately, for the west, fundamental Islam's
core component is Jihad or holy war.
3. (To expand on 2) Expect a wide movement in the Arab world and Northern Africa to eventually go through Turkey and/or the Suez Canal into Europe as
a way to not only expand Islam but "take back the resources" that Jihad entitles them to take.
4. Expect the Cabal itself or Cabal's way of doing business (Mutant capitalism) to be wiped out in our lifetime. The backlash for extracting
resources from these Islamic countries is a lot more heavier than Latin America, Asia, and India. This will probably cause another world war and
people will become sick of this type of economic system, the wars it causes, and seek less extreme forms of capitalism.
5. Within this decade UN won't be as effective to Western countries as it used to be (who's going to vote for the largely western Cabal's interests
now that the corporate puppets are gone?).
6. (Positive Long Term Effect) Because the Cabal has ties to the military and helps fund the military, the removal to the Cabal will reduce military
tensions worldwide.
Anyone have comments/criticisms? Feel free to add them.