Man, where to begin.
Okay, this guy...
Is a NC Republican running for Congress in one of NC's more conservative districts (Appalachian foothills and Winston-Salem money).
His radio ads made a big stink (mostly in California) because they were done in Spanish to mock immigration.
Yo Gringo! This ad paid for by the GOP
A scan of some discussion boards shows him getting contributions for his NC campaign as far away as California. And hate mail from same. In NC he's
pretty much just preaching to the choir.
His TV ads hit the air today. :shk:
Just watch...
The Twilight Zone versus Leave it to Beaver
If it won't load for you. It's showing Vernon's idea of today's "Twilight Zone" with men kissing, lesbian marriage, UFO footage (mocking
"Alien" immigration), pictures of "radical" blacks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson... (sigh) it goes on, but your brain kind of shuts down half
way when he shows the "Leave it to Beaver" clips he prefers.
Then the final shot is Vernon, of course, very dimly much so I was going
Is he black, latino or white? A man longing for the 1950's
has to make you wonder, right?
But his website makes it perfectly clear. He's black but promises...
I will never go native.
That's the very last line from his
"About Robinson": "I will always fight for what's
right and I will never go native." Yes, he just said what you THINK he just said.
Not surprising considering the very first thought from "About Robinson" is...
You may not have heard of me yet, but you'll recognize the names of a lot of conservatives who have; At one time or another I have been
endorsed by:
Jesse Helms...
None of the other names really matter in backwoods NC. When the Senator that sang "Dixie" to Carol Mosley Braun and told the News & Observer "I'm
so old-fashioned I believe in horsewhipping" endorses you, you may still get the NC racist vote even if you are black.
It's the "Twilight Zone" alright, but not how Vernon means. And I thought the Log Cabin Republicans were self loathing.