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William Rodriguez is a Fraud

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

Phil, i know it's you.

If you're not phil jayhan then that would me the crazy one here and i'm not crazy.

Phil i'm not sure this represents the best use of your time or your life. You deserve so much more and better than this. You've let it drive in pursuit of the great new discovery. Give it up for the love of God and people not the least of which is your own self and sanity, and all the and rightious things in life. You deserve better, i love ya bro, you're a good man who's done a lot of good. Your help and efforts have been invaluable. Remember the old days and your sponsoring of Dylan for the first Loose Change.

But this "theory" of yours, it doesn't pass muster and it's just not the least bit helpful, or for that matter, the least bit true. It isn't the least bit congruent with reality. It doesn't work please give it up if only for your own sake. And there's no need for this, you've done so much and such a good job in the past, we did, being amoung the first.

So i'd still shake your hand and give you a pat on the back and raise a toast, but this new thing is beneath you, imho.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by Crapspackle

Is that what you thought. Huh.

Yes because I read it and that is exactly what you wrote.

Go on and avoid my asking you how and when. I am sure no one else will be asking you how and when.
Hey, things are looking up. You got one sockpuppet account to agree with you s that is something. Sometimes I wonder about the motivation of people like you. Obviously you are not tryign to convince any of us you have a point. So what are you doing?

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

Jesus Yankee. You are still responding to these lightweights, who are so sure they
know something, because they have been told it. You are a trooper.
Official story followers usually reject a 9/11 false flag attack scenario on the grounds
that they find it impossible to contemplate the notion that their own government would
kill 3000 of its own citizens, even in the face of overwhelming evidence for an inside job.
Well guess what OS guys. You were right! The government didn't kill 3000 of its own
citizens. They FAKED everything. Video footage, photographs and VICTIMS. 9/11 was
an action/adventure, made for tv, televisual extravaganza blockbuster disaster movie,
you see. Look at the number of people that bought into it. Biggest selling movie in
It was produced with the aid of computer generated,virtual reality software (the kind
used in other movies like independence day), green screens, hired actors and almost
3000 simulated, computer generated identities, passed off as victims. It was then sold
to the public by a complicit, owned, sold-out and traitorous Main Stream Media.
Maybe it will be easier for deniers to contemplate the notion of 9/11 being a
false flag attack, especially since they now know that it was a faked false flag attack.

(They did murder 1.5+million(?) innocent, middle-eastern children, women aned d men though,
and that IS for real. The utterly despicable inhumans).
edit on 29-7-2011 by pshea38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by pshea38
reply to post by Yankee451

Jesus Yankee. You are still responding to these lightweights, who are so sure they
know something, because they have been told it.

Why are you so sure you know something? Were you in on it?
I for one have never stated I believed the official story even a little.
There is no good reason to then just believe Yankee's even more outragous story just because he says it.
If he cannot make it make sense or back it up with facts, his story is just as stupid as the official one. Here you come in chastizing people for what you say is blindly believing what they are told and at the same time, stomping all over us for not believing what Yankee tells us.

That makes sense.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by pshea38

Yeah, I'm a glutton, but someone has to smack them around.

It's like training a order to be successful and have a dog that is useful and doesn't run out into traffic, I need to be consistent for at least three months.

Keep up the good work!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

How is it all the posters here seem to know each other? Is this some little club you need to pay to get in?


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by Yankee451

How is it all the posters here seem to know each other? Is this some little club you need to pay to get in?


Its a club you join after you do the requisite amount of research. The only thing you pay is time.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

And the requisite amount is??? Are you the "kingpin?" who gets to make these decisions and consquently gets to hand out patches? I was just curious as this seems to be a family style bash session. I have no clue who you are and you have no clue who I am. What is this consistent reference to reading all your threads? Just curious as to why you would believe I am not knowledgeable about the subject? I worked every day for 9 years in the financial district, two in the WTC. If you want to talk a few thousand people here or there, sure. But the fact is, tens of thousands of people were in the complex when it happend. I was one of them.

9/11 led me here. I have researched the topic since it happened. I am willing to bet I know as much as you do regarding the subject, but I really couldn't care less. My reasons for researching this are clearly different than yours. Thanks, but I'll pass on the club.


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
But the fact is, tens of thousands of people were in the complex when it happend. I was one of them.

Well duh!
Obviously you would not notice alllllllllllllllllll those missing urinals, Jen.

Just because you were one of those lazy elevator lovers, you never noticed all the missing stairs. Not only that, but you never heard any else mention any of it. No one did. Becuase you know, it was urinals and stairs. Girls don't hear about stuff like that.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by Yankee451

How is it all the posters here seem to know each other? Is this some little club you need to pay to get in?


After reading just a handful of these kinds of threads, not just no planes or energy weapon threads but 9-11 threads in general I have learned the secret name of this club.
It is apparently the "My last screen name on ATS was ..." club.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

And the requisite amount is???

More than you've spent, or appear willing to spend.

Are you the "kingpin?"


who gets to make these decisions and consquently gets to hand out patches?


What is this consistent reference to reading all your threads?

I get tired of repeating myself.

Just curious as to why you would believe I am not knowledgeable about the subject?

Lucky guess.

I worked every day for 9 years in the financial district, two in the WTC. If you want to talk a few thousand people here or there, sure. But the fact is, tens of thousands of people were in the complex when it happend. I was one of them.

YAY!, now I know four witnesses! This is the only site I've found where there are eye witnesses, what a goldmine!

9/11 led me here. I have researched the topic since it happened.

You appear to have only researched the approved versions. Time to go back to the drawing board.

I am willing to bet I know as much as you do regarding the subject, but I really couldn't care less.

That's a bet you'd likely lose, and something tells me you really do care, or you wouldn't be trying to press the point.

My reasons for researching this are clearly different than yours.


Thanks, but I'll pass on the club.

My club's all full, but you can start your own.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Crapspackle

First off, cracking up saying your screen name outloud 5 times.

Secondly, full on dude here.
Thirdly, never noticed anything other than insanity. I am desperate for the truth but I don't think it is coming soon.


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Oh dud huh. Guss you pee sitting down and that is why you never noticed the missing urinals?

Did you notice any heavier stall traffic though? You know, while you were walking past empty stairwells on your way to use gutted bathrooms that no one knew anything about but the OP of this thread who cannot even answer the most basic question about his premise - how and when.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Methinks you're stuck on the fence like a LIHOP wannabe:

Then there’re the LIHOP wannabes; these ##SNIP## love to quote Rachel Maddow and thanks to years of public education, followed by post secondary indoctrination their only interests are the appearance of being green and hip while maintaining their hidden addiction to materialism. Any real activism is limited to conversations in line at Starbucks where they scan the New York Times headlines for topics to toss around at work. They’re for an “independent investigation” of 911 as long as Israel is off limits and no one puts any excessive tariffs on Lesbarus. This group can be ignored, as they’re too busy watching Dexter to research 911.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 03:12 PM
EVERYONE...I've solved the mystery!
Clearly Yankee451 is a fraud! My reasoning is as follows:
He claims that William Rodriguez is a fraud..BUT..William Rodriguez was never actually found in real life. I mean, nobody has ACTUALLY seen him; obviously the media AND the alternative media faked all of his interviews, stories, eyewitness accounts, etc. Somebody show me proof that he actually exists...YOU CANT. And don't even try to tell me you've met him or similar nonsense; clearly you're lying. His whole persona was obviously manufactured out of thin air by the people who planned this whole thing. Now; since Willie Rod is a figment of everyone's imagination..Yankee451 MUST be too. I mean, lets face it, Yankee is claiming that someone who never even a fraud! The only logical conclusion is that Yankee is some kind of creation of the PTB since only they know that Willie is also a creation! This thread must be some sort of propaganda in progress to keep us from an even higher truth.
Also, another very curious thing I find with 9/11 is that no sandwiches were found in the rubble; clearly the guy in the Subway commercials is a fat liar. Subway must have played a key role in this event. "Proof!" you say? Just google it guys, and get cracking!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by UrAllaBunchofIdiots

Hello again.

I appreciate your perspective, but the how and when has already been answered.

It is unfortunate you aren't able to compose yourself long enough to discuss this seriously; for a moment there I thought you might be genuinely interested.

Carry on.


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by hooper

Really? I think you are accusing quite a few people of being liars:

"The operation likely involved Pentagon Brass, USAF, the US Navy, NORAD, the Securities and Exchange Comission, the OEM, FEMA, NYC Mayor's office, FDNY and NYPD brass, the Federal Government, the Federal Reserve, select players in Big Finance, and the Office of Naval Intelligence, just to name a few"

I mean c'mon - The Federal Reserve Bank?

Yeah, the Federal Reserve Bank:

The hypothesis of this report is: the attacks of September 11 th wereintended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund acovert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of theSoviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11 th also served to derail multiple Federalinvestigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justifiedunder the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources” 2 and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificinglives for a greater cause.

911 Was a cover up and continuation of 50 years of atrocities perpetrated by the intelligence community, of which the Federal Reserve is an integral part.

The case for detailed targeting of the attacks begins with analysis of the attack on the Pentagon. After one concludesthat the targeting of the ONI office in the Pentagon was not random – and that information is presented later 3 – onethen must ask: is it possible that the planes that hit the World Trade Center, and the bombs reported by variouswitnesses to have been set off inside the buildings 1, 6 and 7 and the basement of the Towers, were deliberatelylocated to support the execution of a crime of mind-boggling proportions? In considering that question, a patternemerges. For the crimes alleged by Eastman, Flocco, Durham and Schwarz to be successful, the vault in thebasement of the World Trade Center, and its contents - less than a billion in gold, but hundreds of billions of dollarsof government securities - had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government securitybrokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. Asituation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically “cleared”without anyone asking questions- which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its“emergency powers.” that very afternoon. 4 The ongoing Federal investigations into the crimes funded by thosesecurities needed to be ended or disrupted by destroying evidence in Buildings 6, 7 and 1. 5

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