posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by gandhi
BTS having stupid posts? Certainly not like any on ATS! ATS has such high intellectual content. Like those threads talking about someone seeing a
bigfoot peeking in their bedroom window? Or how the end of the world is coming every 10 minutes? Or how every darn thing in the sky is either a flying
saucer or a government black ops project? Or when someone gets the sniffles along with his coworkers or classmates that it has to be some sort of a
biological attack and will be the doom of mankind. And enough about the Masons already.
BTS changed. Heck I don't even recognize any names, and don't see any of the old members who had good content.
Obviously I'm here, and reading, but man. It has changed. It's a shame. It's not as much fun anymore.
edit on 3/3/2011 by withopeneyes because: (no reason given)