posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:45 AM
Originally posted by droid56
I've read that some of us are ready to graduate from our current 3D environment. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I want to book passage
out of here.
Those of you who feel you are ready to graduate out of this snake-pit, could you please give me some tips as to how I might escape?
How are you getting out? Do I have any chance to go with you?
If I may... I believe I have actually perceived higher dimensions. I know I've seen higher dimensional beings. But I believe I have actually
perceived the dimensions themselves as well. We are part of higher dimensions simultaneously with this one all the time. For me, it took a
realization of oneness, a strong belief in love and wisdom, and experiencing their powers constantly. There was a little meditation involved. It
also, for me, probably required an in depth look at the nature of the human form, up until the point where i saw myself and everything else as light
or a form of light. The knowledge of everything as light or a form of light is the background for access to higher dimensions. It is actually what
the higher dimensions are. So when you can be able to see yourself as part of the higher dimensions where you are light, then you have done it. It
requires oneness and transparency (truthfulness), and a variety of other spiritual concepts introduced.
For a brief moment, I believe I saw that we are this light in these higher dimensions, and we actually, as one with the universe, created ourselves.
Aaaaand, we continue to create ourselves and co-create the world around us by means of this higher dimensional light. Oneness is the big thing needed
to be realized in order for access to higher dimensions.
Also. I discovered that we were created by the earth to be intelligent, and since we are a part of the earth (the intelligent part), then the earth
itself is intelligent. The earth was created by stars to create us who are intelligent, and since we are part of the stars (the part that is
intelligent), then the stars are intelligent. The universe is an intelligent universe because we are here. This information is also helpful in
seeing oneness, and therefore going on to perceive the higher dimensions. Remember you are already in other dimensions, you just can't see yourself
in them.