posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:51 PM
People who follow these kinds of groups such as anon are the same useless and worthless idiots that follow politicians blindly in hopes that they will
do as they say or as they once said and bring freedom to the people. These masses claim to be educated because they can commit to memory what others
said. That is not education. Education is applying what you have learned, weighing consequences, analyze, analyze, analyze, and coming to your own
conclusion. Any type of blind recognition and endorsement is simply religion. And thus, I have the same qualms with these groups as I do with
religion. What kind of god, president, or representative of the people are you if you must instill fear to collect a following and accomplish your
sadistic goals? And in doing so what sets you apart from any other malevolent leader?
Lurking in the shadows serves a single purpose: so that you cannot be blamed when the # hits the fan.
You say you want rebellion and revolution? How many people would die for a cause with an outcome that is as uncertain as the the associates of these
self-righteous organizations. Need I remind you of history? Of the French Revolution, or the Russian Revolution, or the the Germanic Revolution? Need
I remind you of the greedy bastards who promised the world to their people but conquered it for themselves? Need I remind you that the only successful
revolutions to EVER take place were in Rome and in America? All of these revolutions were born in blood, lived in blood, and died in blood. America
was a little different because we had somewhere to go that was beyond the reach of our rulers. It in itself was no revolution, but a severance.
So what sets you apart from all of these greedy #s? Would you truly give all of the power you gain away so easily? No, because if you would you
wouldn't be anonymous.
And what happens to the people who choose to be neutral? Or the ones who choose to side against you? Do they all die? Who are you to even begin to
decide this fate? Do they really deserve to die because they have different beliefs than your little group? The answer is no. But this is what every
revolution comes down to.
The powers in the shadows remain hidden while using the useful idiots as fodder. Once in power you must wipe away all conflicts to solidify your
dominance. But in doing this you lose the faith of the people who claimed it for you. In doing this you solidify your ultimate demise. The will of the
people will not be suppressed for you or for any of the other shadowy conspiracies. Sooner or late you always fall just in time for the next shadowy
group to come along. Sorry. That's how it works.
You are no god. You are no savior. I do not have a deep rooted notion for religion. But I do above all else believe that the Bible has a great number
of great lessons. I value morality. And what my morals tell me is that if a true savior were to ever come he will do so without the need of anonymity.
He will bring light to all the shadows and not lurk in them. People lurk in shadows because they are shadowy people.
Do not # with my rights. My rights are etched in stone and you are a but a scribe with a pen.
My rights are mine alone to protect. To lend that protection to someone else would be just as foolish as it always has been.
We do not need any more revolutions. On the road to true freedom we need only self-awareness, self-assurance, self-justice, true education, and
fundamental truths. This and this alone will inevitably guarantee us true peace and true prosperity.
So all hail Anon, the next in line of the shadowy groups that will one day be ridden from existence. All hail the inevitable cleansing of you and your
corrupt associates.
Thank you,
A true freedom fighter