posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I was just thinking about this today as I was sitting here trying to come up with something to do at work. I am not scientist by any means, but a
co-worker had mentioned to me that his wife had been suffering from Laryngitis for about a month, and the doctor had told her it was do to allergies.
She told the doctor she didn't have allergies and he replied a lot of people that never had allergies have them now. I have also been suffering from
a lot of allergy type symptoms this year worse then ever before. I know that I have allergies but never this bad.
So after this brief conversation I started thinking about it, and as I said I am not a scientist but I kind of put two and two together and I think I
might actually be on to something here. With the numbers of bees dwindling as of late and oddities in nature. Would it be so far fetched to wonder if
it is correlated? I mean maybe the bee's do something to all that pollen that makes it not so potent. I just found it interesting to think about as
probably the number 1 allergen is pollen, and since there are less bees does this not mean an increase in pollen? So I am wondering if there is a
correlation between the two, and maybe there is a scientific reason behind the illnesses and health affects lately.