posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Charlie Sheen is a South Park cartoon parody ---waiting to happen---- . Right now I am watching 20/20, "Inside the mind and life" of Sheen. See,
I heard him make references to his "Godesses" and it's these (some kind of) ho's (oops sorry ats...) he lives with. The media interviewer asked
what they all do all day, and it was something like, everything you can imagine ( or.....don't want to..) This guy needs a SERIOUS EXORCISM.
At first the 'Dave' and 'poleshift' controversy made me question Alex Jones, but Alex's STAUNCH unyeilding defense of Sheen, now realllllly makes
me question Jones.
Sheen is, to me, like, if you could imagine Ty Pennington on methamphetamine.