posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:33 PM
OK so a 5.1 aftershock hit on the day, but I can't accept that as a "prediction hit"
As I mention on this post on Quake Watch 2011 there was a lot of activity in NZ
above Mag 4 on the 20th, so there may be some influence of the Moon, and I'm picking it to be the Perigee km, not the fact it was a Full Moon. When
you think about it what effect can extra light have on the Earths crust, enough to cause an earthquake.
Some of those Mag 4's were in the middle of Central Otago, so obviously the tides have little to do with it either.
What use are predictions anyway?, apart from entertainment factor, you can't stop earthquakes happening.
Some people left Christchurch during the weekend supposedly because of Ken Rings predictions, great for the fuel company sales and camp ground and
motel industry, but otherwise this nonsense is a waste of peoples money which they could have put toward their own situation after the 2 big quakes
instead of depending on Govt handouts