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Iran NOC oppose 'racist' London 2012 Olympic logo - Zion

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:27 PM
This new report has just hit the BBC, it refers to how the iranians find the 2012 olympic logo offensive because some people (including me) believe that the logo is a sign of the "New Jerusalem" Zionist movement.

Im not getting into the Israelite Vs Palestinian debate. It seems despite a cover up and a general ignorance everything points to Palestine being bullied by Israel. In retaliation the palestinians have taken their anger out on innocent civilians aswell as others they see as their opressors. The Cat is out the bag just like 9'11.......

The Question is WHY Does israel get away with it??
well i dont know the answer but i can see a crappy effort to cover up the word Zion when i see one, and there are countless pieces of information of the new jerusalem zionist movement that some believe are as much a part of the higher echelon of the pyramid as the masons

enjoy or not as ATS would have it...............

Rik Clay go's into a lot of detail on the significance of 2012 Zion and the olympics, he has now passed away and his knowledge and info will be missed

edit on 28-2-2011 by Desolo because: blue blu bl b

edit on 28-2-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Desolo

It's the UK's games. It is their choice what logo they use! If the Iranians don't like it they can lump it. Why should the UK pander to these Iranian's every whim? Good, they can boycott if they want. Else shut up and play the game. It's their choice!

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
This new report has just hit the BBC, it refers to how the iranians find the 2012 olympic logo offensive because some people (including me) believe that the logo is a sign of the "New Jerusalem" Zionist movement.

Im not getting into the Israelite Vs Palestinian debate. It seems despite a cover up and a general ignorance everything points to Palestine being bullied by Israel. In retaliation the palestinians have taken their anger out on innocent civilians aswell as others they see as their opressors. The Cat is out the bag just like 9'11.......

The Question is WHY Does israel get away with it??
well i dont know the answer but i can see a crappy effort to cover up the word Zion when i see one, and there are countless pieces of information of the new jerusalem zionist movement that some believe are as much a part of the higher echelon of the pyramid as the masons

enjoy or not as ATS would have it...............

Rik Clay go's into a lot of detail on the significance of 2012 Zion and the olympics, he has now passed away and his knowledge and info will be missed

edit on 28-2-2011 by Desolo because: blue blu bl b

edit on 28-2-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

Hilarious, they think numbers look like letters. Someone has been playing with a calculator for too long. hahaha

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:38 PM
is this u in the second video ? if so .... i think your pretty cool man!

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:39 PM
Already a thread on it from this morning

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Well,,,id rather get caught tresspassing walking on Israelas border any day b4 Irans,,,,

The best logo would be the Iranian president in dark sun glasses wearing a white chemist suit at a nuke power palnt..

I myself ,,let isreal and the mideast deal with themselves....

they know the term "honesty and justice will always prevail",,,,,

if they dont want to play kick ball in 2012,,,so be it,,,

i dont know about codes,,,secret messages in logo's or invisible ink....

just my opinion...

A logo best suited for him,,,supporting his swim team,,,,,(what a stud?)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Little_Kona because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:11 PM
I love debunkers who talk about invisisble ink and secret codes, there's no code, this isnt binary matrix, its right in front of you all and you cant see it, the report says that the design went under precedures and test group consultations, if thats the case then why does the logo look like a kid drew it with??? seriously, the olympics is massive why would they have such a p**s poor logo!!!

When in doubt, ask yourself the question, was 9'11 an inside job, if you answer yes then, anything conspiracy could be true, if you answer no, Go Back To Bed or Watch American Gladiators,
The fact the iranians are saying they are going to "Boycott" is just mis-direction. Debunk me fine, but try and debunk Rik Clay, then come back and talk about invisible ink----

P.s the guy in the second video is Charlie Vietch, from The Love Police, they are a peaceful activist group who protest the truth and hug police,,,,, the next meet up is in manchester i think, if any1's interested??? i attended a week ago in liverpool, youtube it...



posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by superman2012

Hilarious, they think numbers look like letters. Someone has been playing with a calculator for too long. hahaha

i cant see any numbers mayteeeeeeee.... oh look how many stars your smart ass coment got you, if you write numbers like this you need to go back to school
edit on 28-2-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:23 PM
20.12 would make no sense, dots do not go in-between the numbers of our year system. So yes, it's more realistic to see it spells out Zion.

OR, 20th/12/2012, but clutching at straws at this point I think.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:28 PM
people are saying they only see 2012 in the logo, well that is fine, and i am unsure myself if there is anything to see here. but the thing i am not seeing mentioned or explained or taken into account is why they added a dot in with the 2012.

if the dot was not there then i would agree 100% it says 2012, but because there is also a dot i am unsure if the intention was to show something that can be seen as 2012 but also includes all the things you would need to spell zion. you would need the dot to make the 'i' in zion as oppose to not needing the dot for '1' in 2012.

so although i am unsure, it is also questionable as to why they would include a extra dot. maybe somebody can explain what the purpose of the dot is?
edit on 28-2-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by salty_wagyu
20.12 would make no sense, dots do not go in-between the numbers of our year system. So yes, it's more realistic to see it spells out Zion.

OR, 20th/12/2012, but clutching at straws at this point I think.

Thank the good lord. Some1 with a open mind i was starting to think they had become absolete on ATS,,, it all leads back to the Gods, just like all roads lead to rome, all the "Deep" meaning full conspiracy's seem to lead back to Gods and religions. Trust. Peace. Love to everyone

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