reply to post by bonaire
I think for people doing a lot of shopping in the states, that it depends on how much is spent, how long you have to stay down there, like a over a
certain amount of dollars, you would have to stay there for over 48 hours or something like that. Plus everything would likely have to be declared and
searched thoroughly.
I don't remember exactly, since 2001, they tightened up the border so much, that if you were a teen that got into the usual trouble and ended up with
a bit of a police record, no matter how tiny, it was nothing but trouble to try to cross the border. Not worth it.
It's sad how America is being so divided; up here, we register to vote as a voter, and the rest is private. Down there, everyone seems to be defined
as republican or democrat, keeping everyone fighting about something. And distracted.
When I watch the American news on TV these days, I just don't see any recovery down there soon. The government only wants to cut the spending on
things that hurt the people in the lower and middle classes, and I've heard they're even cutting education which is just plain stupid. The kids
there are already getting behind in math and sciences, and you need smart kids to be smart adults. Looking at some of the politicians these days,
it's a really big issue.
The issues they're using as distractions also, like the gay marriage issue and in the military, and similar petty things, should be put aside until
they put the country back together and make it work properly again. It makes one wonder what they're doing about jobs, and getting the jobs back into
the country, and paying down debt, and fixing medical so everyone is covered, fixing infrastructure before bridges and roads start crumbling, energy
independence, water woes, pollution, etc.
The politicians really need to stop fighting with one another, and learn to work together. I've never seen so much fighting between the democrats and
republicans, and with everything that Bush got away with, it's looking more like a lot of racial prejudice, noticeably, with all the talk about a
Muslim Kenyan Antichrist in the Whitehouse. :shk: I don't think it would have been any better if it had been Hillary in there though, it's the
old white boys club. Although, it could just be another way to keep the public distracted.
If there isn't anywhere to cut spending, one would assume that taxes would have to be raised a little, at least on the very richest, or to make sure
that corporations (the large ones) actually pay their taxes. Even 2% would probably make a big difference, but the government doesn't want to
"hurt" those that fund their election campaigns. Way too much corruption to be fixed anytime soon.
I won't be surprised if we see more people coming north if the "administration" doesn't start administering properly.