I think a huge problem is technology. Kids nowadays hide behind technology, and fail to produce support networks of good friends, who they truly know
they can count on in tough times. Kids don't have playdates anymore, participate in sports as much, or just get a group of friends together to play
ball after school or on the weekends. They play video games, text to no end, and IM eachother online. Not anywhere nearly as personal as I use to be
growing up.
Another factor is parenting. Having two parents constantly there for their children isn't as common as it once was. Many families only have a single
parent, for various reasons, who isn't as availaible because they're attempting to support a household on their own. Not as much time/attention
devoted to their kids.
The there's all the crap we have in food, which I'm convinced has side effects which will become more pronounced in the future. There's also the fact
a record number of chilfren are using prescription drugs. We can argue about the health benefits of those, which is a concern. But there's also the
concern that when you're young, and a doctor prescribes you something and says you need this to function like other children, the doctor is basically
telling the child there's something wrong with you, and you're not normal. All this can have negative effects on children.
Again, a major concern from my point of view is the declining emphasis put on friendships and family. A support network. Video game/internet have
negated a large part of childhood most of us expereinced. Forming friendships, bonding, playing sports with friends, exploring, finding creative ways
to pass time. And doctors constantly telling children there's something wrong with them doesn't help either.
edit on 28-2-2011 by MysticPearl
because: (no reason given)
Aside from all that, I'm a little surprised at a few of the comments in this thread. Everyone on this forum has been talking about progressing
spiritually lately, and that we're all connected, and that spiritually we all need to take a collective step forward. Then some respond in a callous,
unempathetic manner when talking about a record number of suicides. Makes me think some here use spirituality for convenience, like the religous use
religion, and quicly ignore their princibles when it doesn;t fit their agenda, or true nature.
If another human being feeling hopeless enough to kill themselves doesn't bother you, and you can pass it off as a lazy generation, and gereralize it
in that manner, well, you leave a lot to be desired as a human being.
edit on 28-2-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)