reply to post by Alina
Ive looked for more recent info on the subject but cant find any.
The article i read was at least 10 years ago, might have been as long as 15 while I was writing a paper for an engineering class.
The system I read about had some very specific environmental requirements.
1)Lots of warm semi tropical/tropical sunshine.
2) A large temperature gradient in the water, warm suface water with very much colder water deeper.
Places like hawaii and san diego were mentioned in the article as being perfect for the system.
The way the system worked is as follows
You have a floating platform with a clear plexigalss/lexan chamber.
The chamber is kept at a very low pressure, and warm surface water is injected into it.
The water flashes to steam and drives a turbine that generates electricity. The steam is then moved into the condenser coils which are deeper in the
water colum, thus being colder and the steam condenses to fresh water that is then pumped to shore.
I think the real proprietary secret was how they dealt with the salts precipitated from the sea water.
The main focus was electrical generation and the fresh water was usable byproduct.
On a related note my ex-wife is a HVAC mechical engineer, and she headed the mechanical design for a cutting edge installation of a fuel cell to
power a government remodel of a 1920's era 15 story building.
The fuel cell, manufactured by a japanese company, runs on natural gas.
They used a catalytic cracker to break the natural gas into hydrogen and carbon.
The hydrogen powers the fuel cell that generates enough electricty to power the whole building and all of the buildings on the same block.
The reacted H2 exhuasts as hot and cold water, which were used for both heat and cooling of the building and hot and cold running water. The carbon
is collected on a regular basis and is sold to whom ever buys pure carbon.
The system was part of a DoD grant to take important regional gov. facilities off of the public electrical grid during the california electrical
crisis of 2000-2001.
I dont think my ex ever truley appreciated how cutting edge the work she was doing at the time was.
edit on 5-3-2011 by punkinworks10 because: (no reason given)